
Tue, Jun

Russell LatapyFalkirk boss John Hughes last night told his club's fans not to write off Russell Latapy. Yogi insits the evergreen 40-year-old still has a part to play in their bid for league and cup success.
The veteran Trinidad & Tobago midfielder has been a peripheral figure this season, making just four appearances and only two starts.

Latapy has made a bigger impact for his country since his shock international recall, helping get the Soca Warriors' World Cup bid back on track and becoming the oldest scorer in qualifying history last month.

But Hughes says the ex-Rangers and Hibs star has unfinished business with the SPL and will deploy possibly the best player he has ever coached when the time is right.

Hughes, who takes his side to Hamilton tomorrow, said: "Don't write off Russell Latapy off because he has not played much this season.

"You don't play until you're 40 if you don't have commitment and desire. Look at what he has done for this club, he has been outstanding. When you talk about world-class players, he's up there.

"He hasn't got the legs now but what he can do with a football, in terms of his touch and passing.

For me, that is what world class is about.

"He has done so much for us, bringing the young boys through too.

"I played with some good players, but he is possibly the best I've ever coached."