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Evans Wise came to Germany on his own hook at the age of 21 to become a Soccer Professional. Following initial difficulties and the indirect path through the Major League Soccer in the USA, the lightning-fast all-round striker with a special dribbling talent finally made it into the German National League (The Bundesliga) through SSV Ulm. After several other stops in Elversberg and Burghausen, the national player of Trinidad and Tobago returned to the Caribbean in the aftermath of a blow of fate to his family. Last year, he returned to the Oberliga through SV Waldhof Mannheim. “Wir Profis” talked with the World-Cup player about his home-country, his plans and the start of his career in Germany.

Wir Profis: Evans, how did you experience the initial days and months in German Professional Soccer?
Evans Wise: At the beginning, I found everything new and difficult. It’s not easy to be in a country, which language you do not speak and where the people have a completely different mentality.

Wir Profis: How were you able to cope with the situation?
Evans Wise: I believed in my talent and tried to make the best out of the situation. Fortunately, a few of my colleagues helped me within this period. Now though, I am feeling quite good in Germany.

Wir Profis: What are the three things you cherish most in Germany?  
Evans Wise: The people, Soccer and German beer!

Wir Profis: By qualifying for the World Cup in Germany, Trinidad and Tobago has attracted international attention. What is the significance of this athletic success for your home-country?
Evans Wise: It is a very great thing, not only for Trinidad and Tobago, but for the entire Caribbean. It is beyond description how happily people celebrated this success in the streets.

Wir Profis: Most of your colleagues in the national squad play for club sides in Great Britain as contract players. What significance has German soccer in Trinidad and Tobago?
Evans Wise: Most players are naturally attracted to England because they are not confronted with the problem of language there. That is why people in my country also do not know much about Soccer in Germany. I always tell them though, that Soccer in Germany is fast and above all, played with discipline.

Wir Profis: Now you are 32 years old and have already experienced a lot in your career. What plans do you have for the future?  
Evans Wise: At the end of my career, I will, of course, like to play once again at a higher level. Thereafter, I will like to work as a coach.

Wir Profis: Which club do you think, will be German champion in the next soccer season?
Evans Wise: I rate Bayern Munich very strongly and think they will defend the title once again.

Evans Wise
Date of birth: November 23rd 1973
Place of birth: Port of Spain
Clubs so far in Germany: SV Waldhof Mannheim, Wacker Burghausen, SV Elversberg, SSV Ulm, SG Egelsbach
Quotation: “I am in the VDV because it is a good organization. Particularly players from abroad who are yet, incapable of speaking good German are given the necessary support there.”