
Fri, Jun

Brent SanchoThe Rochester Rhinos announced today that defender Brent Sancho will serve the role as player/assistant coach for the club this season. Sancho enters his first season with Rochester after playing last season with the Atlanta Silverbacks.
In addition to USL-1 experience with Portland (2001-02) and Charleston (2000), the Trinidad and Tobago native has earned 43 caps with the T&T national team. His play with the national team has also garnered him World Cup experience against England, Sweden and Paraguay in the 2006 tournament.

"I am excited about working with Brent and am pleased he accepted this role" said Rhinos Head Coach Darren Tilley. "In the short span of time that he has been with us, the players have accepted him and I am confident that his abilities as a player will transfer into coaching."

The 6'1" 195 pound defender signed a two-year deal with the Rhinos in late February. "I'm very excited about the opportunity" said Sancho. "Looking down the road at life after football the chance to work under Darren presents itself as a tremendous opportunity"