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Christopher Birchall at Port ValeChris Birchall was stunned to receive an out-of-the-blue phone call from pop star – and Port Vale fanatic – Robbie Williams just a few months into his American adventure.

The 25-year-old former Valiants midfielder couldn't believe the identity of his mystery caller, after sealing his move from Brighton to LA Galaxy last summer.

Birchall, who played at the 2006 World Cup with Trinidad and Tobago, explained: "I got a call from somebody at Galaxy who asked if they could pass my number on to somebody who wanted to speak to me.

"When I asked who it was the guy said 'Robbie Williams', and I thought 'Jesus'.

"Robbie, pictured, asked me if I wanted to go to his house, which I did, and I got to know him.
"We've continued to keep in contact, via email, because he went on tour after his career took off again.

"He knew me through the obvious Port Vale connection and because I went to the World Cup.

"He is a massive football fan and knows a lot about Vale.

"He obviously keeps in touch with his family in Stoke and when he knew I was coming to LA he made the move. Talking to him was just like being back in Stoke.

"He is another guy who is so famous, but still wants to know how you're feeling."

Visiting Williams's luxurious Californian pad is not something Birchall will forget in a hurry.

The pop star showed his passion for Vale in early 2006 when he ploughed £249,000 of his personal fortune into the club.

Meanwhile, his passion for football was all too obvious on Birchall's arrival.

"When I went over to Robbie's house I discovered he had his own five-a-side pitch built and people from the neighbourhood would go there for a game," said Birchall.

"One of the kits he had lying around was a Port Vale shirt which he had made for the LA Vale team he set up.

"He loves where he comes from and doesn't forget it, plus he is always asking about Vale.

"He has helped the club so much and put money into the club.

"But like he told me, when it comes to deciding whether to give money to football or charity there is only one winner, and he has given millions to charity."

Birchall insists living in the South Bay area of LA with his girlfriend Lucy, and their young son Ashley, has definitely lived up to his wildest dreams.

Meanwhile, his new A-list existence has also stretched beyond rubbing shoulders with Tunstall-born pop stars and a modern-day football icon in Galaxy team-mate David Beckham.

He has also crossed paths with Beckham's Spice Girl wife Victoria and a leading Hollywood comedy film actor.

"I met Victoria in the players' lounge at Galaxy," added Birchall.

"I went up to her and we had a chat for about five minutes about American life.

"Victoria and her children came to support David and the team.

"It's funny how I used to watch the Beckhams on TV and the next thing I know I'm making bagels for their kids.

"One day Dave brought Ben Stiller to the club and I thought, 'I can't believe what's going on here'.

"You can't believe it when somebody like Ben, who is a humble person, comes up to you and introduces themselves."