
Fri, Jan


T&T girls made a tough en­trance at the Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games in Ar­genti­na, go­ing un­der to Thai­land 14-0 in their Pool C Fut­sal en­counter, yes­ter­day.

Lead­ing the way for Thai­land was Ladawan Klin­bunkham with four goals while the quar­tet of Yuphawa­di Chadaeng, Pat­tarawarin Nuathong, Thi­darat Sri­bun­bom and Yo­d­wadee Thongkham added two each.

Thai­land which led 6-0 at the half-time in­ter­val al­so got a goal apiece from Paer­ploy Hua­jaipetch and Techi­nee Prom­nack.

Dur­ing the match, T&T used both goal­keep­ers to try and stop the flow of goals, with first choice Maki­da Her­bert con­ced­ing ten be­fore sub­sti­tute Chelsea Ram­nauth saw four whisked past her in­to the net.

In the oth­er Pool C match, Spain de­feat­ed Bo­livia 9-2.

The T&T fut­sal girls will next be in ac­tion on Wednes­day against Ton­ga from 1 pm fol­lowed by match­es ver­sus Bo­livia on Oc­to­ber 12 and Spain on Oc­to­ber 13, both from 3 pm.

To­day, swim­mer, Kael York will go in­to ac­tion in heat five of six in the men's 100m but­ter­fly.

Yorke will line up in lane one against USA's Jake John­son, Ro­ma­nia's Cris­t­ian Mar­tin, Fed­eri­co Bur­dis­so (Italy), Jakub Ma­jer­s­ki (Poland), Ser­guei Comte (France), Joshua Lien­do (Cana­da) and Ivan Shamshurin of Be­larus.

He will al­so com­pete in the 50m but­ter­fly on Wednes­day, Oc­to­ber 10.