
Fri, Jan


Still pumped from its first win in the fut­sal com­pe­ti­tion at the Youth Olympic Games on Wednes­day, T&T women's team en­tered yes­ter­day's match against Bo­livia full of con­fi­dence but a late run by its op­po­nent saw the lo­cal team slumped to a 5-2 de­feat.

This was at the Fut­sal Main Sta­di­um in Buenos Aires, Ar­genti­na, falling to its sec­ond loss in Group C de­spite hav­ing a cred­i­ble start in its third match of the com­pe­ti­tion.

Maria Gálvez opened the scor­ing for the Bo­li­vians with her first of four goals, in the fifth minute. Some 12 min­utes lat­er, an own goal by Alexan­dra Se­leme put T&T lev­elled with Bo­livia.

De­spite chal­lenges down on both ends, the score looked like it would stay un­changed un­til the half but Gálvez re­turned a lit­tle over a minute be­fore the close of the first half and put her team on top, 2-1 be­fore the 20-minute pe­ri­od ex­pired.

On the re­sump­tion, T&T, which de­feat­ed Ton­ga (7-5) and lost to Thai­land (14-0) on Sun­day, again drew lev­elled with Bo­livia thanks to Moe­ne­sa Mejias, who net­ted her team's sec­ond goal in the 22nd minute.

The bat­tle raged on with nei­ther team find­ing the back of the net for a 14th-minute span un­til Fabi­ana Al­varez got one in­side in the 36th to put Bo­livia up, 3-2.

From there it went down­hill for T&T fut­sal play­ers, who con­ced­ed an­oth­er item in the 39th off of Gálvez again be­fore she re­turned sec­onds lat­er to seal the vic­to­ry for Bo­livia, it's third in four match­es to be in the sec­ond spot on the ta­ble be­hind un­beat­en Spain, T&T's op­po­nent to­day.

T&T is in fourth place of the five teams in the group as the first round comes to end to­day.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian