
Tue, Jul


For­mer na­tion­al play­er Clay­ton Mor­ris, who had been co-or­di­nat­ing the Fut­sal pro­gramme in­side the pris­ons, de­nied that he was the one re­spon­si­ble for bring­ing the food, some of which was turned back by de­ceased Su­per­in­ten­dent Wayne Jack­son in Ju­ly 2018.

“One of the of­fi­cers es­cort­ed me in­to the jail and I brought in equip­ment, tro­phies, and drinks,” said Mor­ris

“I was not re­spon­si­ble for bring­ing any wild meat in­to the prison at all. In fact, I did not know any­thing about it. It was the cater­ers that brought in the food and then I got a call that there was wild meat. I told them I did not know any­thing about that.

“Some­thing came in and I got blamed for it. It was not what I had or­dered. They told me that some­thing came in, in a buck­et and I told them I did not know about that,” he in­sist­ed.

Mor­ris said in the past he had com­plied with all the rules and reg­u­la­tions set down by prison of­fi­cials.

“If any­thing is not sup­posed to go in by the gate then It will not get past the gate,” he said.

Ques­tioned about al­low­ing an in­mate’s wife in­to his ve­hi­cle and dri­ving on­to the com­pound Mor­ris said: “They have to do what they do. I re­al­ly don’t have any com­ment on that. I fol­lowed all the rules most of the time. “How could they say I breached the rules?”

Mor­ris said the wife of the in­mate was not al­lowed to go in­to the prison com­pound with him, but rather was sent back to en­ter the civil­ian en­trance and was sub­ject­ed to the rou­tine search.

How­ev­er, Pris­ons Com­mis­sion­er Ger­ald Wil­son, who had cause to call Mor­ris and cau­tion him af­ter this in­ci­dent, said that the fe­male vis­i­tor was in fact al­lowed to go through the same en­trance that Mor­ris was al­lowed in af­ter she was thor­ough­ly searched.

Wil­son ex­plained that Mor­ris was al­lowed to en­ter the MSP com­pound with his ve­hi­cle and he would nor­mal­ly be searched be­cause of the Fut­sal pro­gram. How­ev­er, civil­ians Wil­son ex­plained had to pass through the en­trance des­ig­nat­ed for civil­ians and be sub­ject­ed to a search.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian