
Fri, Jan

Central FC's Sean Bonval, left, wins a header in a challenge with Shakuile Williams of Point Fortin Civic during their TT Pro League First Citizens Cup match at the Ato Boldon Stadium, Couva yesterday. Central FC won 2-0. ...CA-images

Po­lice FC got a sin­gle strike from Chris­t­ian Thomas to pull-off a 1-0 win over De­fence Force in the Aber­crom­bie Group of the First Cit­i­zens Cup play-off at the Diego Mar­tin Sports Com­plex on Fri­day night.

How­ev­er, a ris­ing pow­er­house in lo­cal foot­ball Ter­minix La Hor­quet­ta Rangers has as­sumed the top po­si­tion in the group by beat­ing W Con­nec­tion, the mul­ti-times pro league cham­pi­ons in the fea­ture match of a dou­ble head­er at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Bal­main Cou­va 2-0.

Aikim An­drews scored a brace in the 64th and 83rd to hand the team be­long­ing to T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion's pres­i­dent can­di­date Richard Fer­gu­son the three points, and their sec­ond win in as many match­es.

The re­sult took Ter­minix to six points from two games with W Con­nec­tion three points be­hind.

The Savonet­ta Boys (W Con­nec­tion) were hop­ing to build on their vic­to­ry last week, but An­drews' spoil their plans.

Teams are re­quired to be among the top two in each group to ad­vance to the semi­fi­nal and then fi­nal.

Mean­while, in the Im­mortelle Group AC Port-of-Spain, pre­vi­ous­ly North East Stars, played to a 2-2 tie with Mor­vant Cale­do­nia Unit­ed. Rashad Hy­a­centh got a brace for the Port-of-Spain men in the 11th and 63rd. How­ev­er, goals from Ker­ry Daniel in the 32nd and Je­vick Mc Far­lane in the 43rd en­sure the teams shared the points.

In an­oth­er game strug­gling Cen­tral FC fi­nal­ly got off the mark with a 2-0 tri­umph of Point Fortin Civic in the ear­li­er match at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Cou­va on Sat­ur­day.

Josi­ah Trim­ming­ham and Che Ben­ny were the ones on tar­get to se­cure vic­to­ry for their first win of the group.

First Citizens Cup results

(Friday 1 November)

AC POS 2 (Rashad Hyacenth 11, 83), Morvant Caledonia Utd 2 (Kerry Daniel 32, Jevick Mac Farlane 43) at Diego Martin Sporting Complex;

Police FC 1 (Christian Thomas 78), Defence Force 0 at Diego Martin Sporting Complex;

(Saturday 2 November)

Central FC 2 (Josiah Trimmingham 25, Che Benny 33), Point Fortin Civic 0 at Ato Boldon Stadium;

W Connection 0, Terminix La Horquetta Rangers 2 (Aikim Andrews 64, 83) at Ato Boldon Stadium.

Upcoming fixtures

(Sunday 3 November)

Tobago Phoenix FC vs Tiger Tanks Club Sando, 4pm, Hasely Crawford Stadium;

San Juan Jabloteh vs Cunupia FC, 6pm, at Hasely Crawford Stadium