
Fri, Feb


Un­beat­en Ter­minix La Hor­quet­ta Rangers could be on their way to a first First Cit­i­zens Cup ti­tle on Fri­day when they face Po­lice FC in the fi­nal at the Diego Mar­tin Sport­ing Com­plex in Bagatelle, Diego Mar­tin.

This af­ter the team booked their place in the fi­nal on Fri­day night with a 3-0 shutout of Cunu­pia FC at the same venue.

In the sec­ond of two semi­fi­nal match­es at the Diego Mar­tin venue, Isa­iah Lee fired the La Hor­quet­ta men in­to the lead in the 37th minute, af­ter which Ja­mal Creighton (41st) and Aikim An­drews (47th) added the oth­ers to en­sure a berth in the fi­nal as Cunu­pia of­fered very lit­tle re­sis­tance.

Yes­ter­day, how­ev­er, Rangers boss Richard Fer­gu­son said feels his team will have to sharp­en up on their goal-scor­ing if they are to take the ti­tle. In fact, Fer­gu­son said he be­lieved the Law­men may have a bet­ter chance of cop­ping the ti­tle due to their sol­id de­fen­sive struc­ture and po­tent of­fen­sive abil­i­ties.

“The Po­lice team is very good. They have a very good de­fen­sive record and have been play­ing great foot­ball gen­er­al­ly. In fact, I think they would have the up­per hand in the match,” Fer­gu­son told the Sun­day Guardian.

“I think Richard Hood is al­so an ex­cel­lent coach who has been do­ing a great job with his team and he would, there­fore, want to cash in on the big prize come Fri­day.”

He added “As for my team, we have to make full use of the op­por­tu­ni­ties when they come. We have not been scor­ing the op­por­tu­ni­ties and as far as I am con­cerned, we should be scor­ing at least five goals a game be­cause we have been cre­at­ing the chances but not con­vert­ing.

“Al­though we have been win­ning, I think we need to re­turn to the train­ing pitch and work on our goal-scor­ing for this fi­nal con­test be­cause it will not be an easy one. Po­lice will be com­ing to win the game. I be­lieve we are in the right place men­tal­ly but I feel we need to be scor­ing goals, come Fri­day.”

Ear­li­er, Po­lice got a sin­gle item from the boot of Jameel Per­ry in the 28th minute to earn their pas­sage through to the match for sil­ver­ware at the ex­pense of Tiger Tanks Club San­do.


LA HOR­QUET­TA RANGERS 3 (Isa­iah Lee 37th, Ja­mal Creighton 41st, Aikim An­drews 47th) v CUNU­PIA FC 0

PO­LICE FC 1 (Jameel Per­ry 28th) v TIGER TANKS CLUB SAN­DO 0

SOURCE: T&T Guardian