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No permission for Morvant ground

Less than 24 hours after Ma Pau Sports distanced itself from former England World Cup player Terry Fenwick, the San Juan/Laventille Regional Corporation (SJLRC) is now saying it has not given any letter of approval to the English-born football coach for the use of the Morvant Recreation Ground.

The T&T Guardian was informed yesterday that Fenwick and the SJLRC held a meeting just over a month ago to discuss the use of ground, but no formal approval has been granted to date because the documents presented to the SJLRC are still lodged with the corporation’s attorneys.

This, however, is contrary to what Fenwick said in a statement issued on September 3, in which he claimed he had permission to use the facility.

“The information was openly and transparently shared with the ministry, including schematics of how the grounds were going to look post rehabilitation. It must be made clear that the process for funding approval requires details of plans, as well as evidence of fund-raising or sponsorship, which we provided. 

The rules provide for access to such information at least two months prior to commencement of the project. The rules also clearly indicate that the Ministry of Sport will conduct a site-visit which would have had in this instance, to be hosted by the SJLRC. 

“In addition to the project plans and sponsorship commitment, the club’s owners submitted documentation from their banks to establish they were in good standing, as well as formal approval from the CEO of the SJLRC, Kenwyn Pantin of the corporation's permission to use the grounds under the agreed conditions. Our documents support,” Fenwick added in his statement.

But speaking to the T&T Guardian yesterday, councillor for Morvant Franz “Delamo” Lambkin said no formal approval document existed. He said the CEO of the corporation was the administrative head, “so therefore the CEO of the corporation cannot give that authorisation.” The Morvant Recreation Ground falls under Lambkin’s purview.

Lambkin confirmed that about a month ago Fenwick and SJRC officials met at the Hyatt Regency, Port-of-Spain, and his proposal was passed to the corporation's attorneys for their perusal and final advice.

“The procedure is that the attorneys will get back to us and the suggestions will be brought before the council and it would be either passed or rejected at a statutory meeting. So, as far as I know on that matter nothing was brought before the council and nothing was passed at any statutory meeting,” Lambkin said.

Asked for details of Fenwick's proposal to the SJLRC, Lambkin said it was for him to use the ground and in return he would invest in upgrading it to bring it up to a certain standard.

“We had referred this to our attorneys because we are not prepared to give that ground entirely to any one entity or organisation because it is a communal ground, meaning it is available to the community. That ground is a hub for several activities in Morvant,” Lambkin said.

He added, “It is very disappointing to hear that someone is indicating that they got authority from the CEO Kenwyn Pantin, but Pantin has no authority to dispose of or lend any possession of a corporation. He is an administrative head and all decisions of that nature must be approved by the council at a statutory meeting.”  

On September 3, the T&T Guardian reported that the Ministry of Sport had reported Fenwick to the Fraud Squad in connection with a cheque for $450,000 that was issued to Ma Pau Sports Club for registration to participate in the T&T Pro League 2015-2016 season. The report revolved around an application to the Ministry of Sport to receive funding to enter Ma Pau FC into the T&T Pro League for the 2015/2016 season.

On Wednesday, Ma Pau Sports Club revealed that having failed in its attempt to become a Pro League team the Ministry’s cheque was returned and it had notified the public that it had distanced itself from Fenwick, saying that “Fenwick is not now nor has been the coach of Ma Pau SC. 

Mr Fenwick sought to enter into an arrangement with Ma Pau to manage the football team if it was elected into the Pro League. The team was not and our arrangement with Mr Fenwick ended.”