
Fri, Jan
29 New Articles

Phillips tipped for football commission spot.

Shel­don Phillips, the sacked for­mer gen­er­al sec­re­tary of T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA), is set to be one of two in­de­pen­dent mem­bers on a com­mis­sion to steer foot­ball for­ward.

Sev­en mem­bers will make up the com­mis­sion, two from the T&T Su­per League (TTSL) and the T&T Pro League and as many in­de­pen­dents. There will al­so be one mem­ber of the TTFA.

Guardian Me­dia Sports learned that Kei­th Look Loy, the TTSL's rep­re­sen­ta­tive on the board of di­rec­tors of the TTFA, will again rep­re­sent the in­ter­est of his league, along with Ter­ry Joseph, the Bethel Unit­ed own­er and man­ag­er.

Cen­tral FC's Brent San­cho and Ja­mal Shabazz (Mor­vant Cale­do­nia Unit­ed) have been cho­sen to be the Pro League's rep­re­sen­ta­tives while Phillips has been joined by busi­ness­man Lyn­d­say Gillette as the in­de­pen­dents. Mean­while, An­tho­ny Moore, pres­i­dent of the To­ba­go Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TFA) was picked as the foot­ball as­so­ci­a­tion's mem­ber.

Phillips' name was among at least five that have been pro­posed by mem­bers of the com­mis­sion and Guardian Me­dia Sports un­der­stands he is set to get the nod when the com­mis­sion meets again next Wednes­day at a venue in Port-of-Spain.

The com­mis­sion meets week­ly to po­si­tion the sport on a sta­ble and prof­itable foot­ing in the fu­ture and ac­cord­ing to San­cho, the meet­ings have been very fruit­ful so far.

How­ev­er, he made it clear there is still a lot of work to be done if the Ju­ly 3 start of the new first tier league is to be kept, as well as the com­mence­ment of the sec­ond tier com­pe­ti­tion which is set for June 7.

San­cho said in ad­di­tion to de­cid­ing on the names of the two com­pe­ti­tions, the com­po­si­tion of them al­so need to be sort­ed out with com­pli­ance is­sues still to be ad­dressed.

Clubs de­sirous of par­tic­i­pat­ing in the league must be TTFA/CON­CA­CAF/FI­FA com­pli­ant. Last year, 11 teams in the TTSL were re­ject­ed for be­ing non-com­pli­ant which al­lowed the TTSL to be con­test­ed in on­ly one di­vi­sion with 13 teams from its ini­tial 24 in two di­vi­sions.

San­cho be­lieves the com­mis­sion al­so has to de­cide on putting out a prop­er le­gal frame­work for the leagues, en­sure the right peo­ple are re­cruit­ed, the rules and reg­u­la­tions by which the leagues will be run are pre­cise and in-depth and the prop­er de­ci­sions are made with re­spect to en­sur­ing the leagues are com­pet­i­tive in­ter­na­tion­al­ly.