
Fri, Jan
29 New Articles


A sin­gle item by Ryan Jor­dan helped Mor­vant Cale­do­nia Unit­ed surge to the top of the T&T Pro League fol­low­ing a 1-0 win over San Juan Jabloteh at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­cu­rapo on Fri­day night.

The game ap­peared to be head­ing to­wards a goal­less stale­mate when Jor­dan found the net in the 97th minute to se­cure max­i­mum points, which sent the Mor­vant team to sev­en points over­all on the stand­ings.

Cale­do­nia now holds a mere one-point lead over sec­ond-placed De­fence Force, who de­feat­ed Cunu­pia FC 3-2 on Sat­ur­day.

Third-place Po­lice FC, the re­cent First Cit­i­zens Cup win­ners, were al­so in win­ner’s row on Fri­day night.

In the open­ing match of a dou­ble­head­er at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Bal­main, Cou­va, against Tiger Tank Club San­do, the Law­men made their in­ten­tions known as ear­ly as the 13th minute when Keion Wil­son fired them ahead.

The south­ern­ers lat­er were able to con­tain their op­po­nents un­til the 77th minute when Wil­son got his team’s sec­ond item for a two-goal cush­ion. How­ev­er, the Law­men, known for hav­ing the stead­i­est de­fence in lo­cal foot­ball present­ly, could do noth­ing when Shaq­keem Joseph found the net in the 93rd minute for a 1-2 re­sult that pro­pelled the Law­men in­to third spot on the ta­ble on six points, with an in­fe­ri­or goal dif­fer­ence to the Army.

Mean­while, in the sec­ond game in Cou­va, mul­ti­ple-times Pro League win­ners W Con­nec­tion Foot­ball Club were held 1-1 by Cen­tral FC for a share of the points.

Con­nec­tion, known as the Savonet­ta Boys by their fans, were still at­tempt­ing to come to terms with the un­time­ly pass­ing of their in­flu­en­tial young strik­er Shah­don Win­ches­ter, who was laid to rest the day be­fore the match af­ter his death in an ac­ci­dent two weeks ago.

Still, W Con­nec­tion man­aged to take the lead in the en­counter from Mickaeel ‘Jem’ Gor­don in the 27th minute. They en­joyed that ad­van­tage for most of the match un­til Sean Bon­val found the equalis­er in the 79th minute for the Cen­tral Sharks to de­ny Con­nec­tion their first win of the sea­son.

Af­ter­wards, Con­nec­tion CEO Re­nee John-Williams said, “We have played two games and have drawn them both. The sea­son is a short one and while we can­not af­ford to drop points on any game, I am con­fi­dent that we can find our­selves back to win­ning ways soon. We are in a re­build­ing phase and we have a rel­a­tive­ly young team, sprin­kled with ex­pe­ri­enced ones. We like to win but we are pa­tient and con­fi­dent in the ca­pa­bil­i­ties of our young charges.”

In an­oth­er game at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, AC Port-of-Spain sealed fifth po­si­tion on the stand­ings de­spite a 1-1 tie with Point Fortin Civic. The Port-of-Spain men, who were pre­vi­ous­ly North East Stars, went ahead in the 21st minute via John-Paul Rochford, be­fore Ronell Paul found the equalis­er in the 56th minute for a share of the points.

Mean­while, in a lone con­test at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um in Ari­ma yes­ter­day, De­fence Force moved to sec­ond by de­feat­ing Cunu­pia FC 3-2.

Army’s in­flu­en­tial strik­er De­vorn Jorsling be­gan a see-saw af­fair by hand­ing his team the lead in the 28th.

But Rafael Marstre put Cunu­pia back on lev­el terms with a 35th minute item and Dwane James pushed the cen­tral men in front for the first time in the match in the 65th minute.

How­ev­er, two unan­swered goals in the 82nd and 87th sealed the win for the Army Coast-Guard Com­bi­na­tion team.



AC PoS 1 (John-Paul Rochford 21st) v PT FORTIN CIVIC 1 (Ronell Paul 56th)


PO­LICE FC 2 (Keion Wil­son 13th, 77th) v CLUB SAN­DO 1 (Shaq­keem Joseph 93rd)

W CON­NEC­TION 1 (Michael Gem Gor­don 27th) v CEN­TRAL FC 1 (Sean Bon­val 79th)


DE­FENCE FORCE 3 (De­vorn Jorsling 28th, Jer­wyn Balt­haz­ar 82nd, Hashim Ar­cia 87th) v CUNU­PIA FC 2 (Rafael Marstre 35th, Dwane James 65th)

Top scor­ers

4 - Keion Wil­son (Po­lice FC)

2 - Rashad Hy­a­centh (AC PoS), Aaron Richards (Mor­vant Cale­do­nia), Kishun Seecha­ran (La Hor­quet­ta Rangers), John-Paul Rochford (AC PoS).

1 - Isa­iah Lee (La Hor­quet­ta Rangers), Mic­ah Lan­siquot (San Juan Jabloteh), Keron Cum­mings (La Hor­quet­ta Rangers), Ko­rdell Samuel (AC PoS), Jer­vic Mc Far­lane (Mor­vant Cale­do­nia)

Cur­rent T&T Pro League stand­ings:


1. Mor­vant Cale­do­nia*3*2*1*0*4*2*7

2. De­fence Force FC*2*2*0*0*5*3*2*6

3. Po­lice FC*3*2*0*1*5*3*6

4. Club San­do*3*1*1*1*3*3*4

5. AC Port-of-Spain*3*1*1*1*6*10*4

6. LH Rangers*2*1*0*1*8*4*3

7. De­fence Force FC*1*1*0*0*2*1*3

8. San Juan Jabloteh*3*1*0*2*1*2*3

9. W Con­nec­tion*2*0*2*0*2*2*2

10. Cunu­pia FC*2*0*1*1*1*3*1

11. Pt Fortin Civic*1*0*1*0*1*1*1

12. Cen­tral FC *3*0*1*2*3*5*1

SOURCE: T&T Guardian