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Photo: Defence Force midfielder Aaron Lester (right) tries to keep possession under pressure from Morvant Caledonia defender Otev Lawrence during Pro League action at the Hasely Crawford Stadium on 25 January 2020. (Copyright Daniel Prentice/CA-Images/Wired868)

The De­fence Force's dom­i­nance in the T&T Pro League came to a screech­ing end when Mor­vant Cale­do­nia Unit­ed edged them 2-1 at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Bal­main, Cou­va on Sat­ur­day.

In spite of the vic­to­ry, how­ev­er, the De­fence Force still main­tained their top po­si­tion on the 11-team stand­ings with 17 points, but the Mor­vant men have now closed the gap be­tween the teams to with­in one point as they moved to 16 points.

The Army Coast-Guard com­bi­na­tion un­til, for all their dom­i­nance in the sea­son so far, had to de­pend on the un­for­tu­nate gen­eros­i­ty of the op­po­si­tion which scored all three goals in the con­test on the day.

Fol­low­ing a goal­less first half, Tev Lawrence fired the Mor­vant Cale­do­nia team in­to the lead in the 52nd minute.

But they be­gan to feel un­lucky when their de­fend­er Melville Dox­il­ly turned the ball in­to his own goal to even up the score­line at 1-1 some nine min­utes af­ter the open­ing goal.

How­ev­er, Joshua Alexan­der sealed the win for Ja­maal Shabazz's team with a goal in the 71st minute that as­sured them max­i­mum points in the en­counter.

Over at the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um in Mal­abar, Ari­ma, Ja­mal Creighton scored a dou­ble to guide Ter­minix La Hor­quet­ta Rangers to a 2-0 shut-out of Cen­tral FC which moved them to fourth on the ta­ble.

Rangers, which strug­gled to repli­cate the form that took them to the fi­nal of the First Cit­i­zens Cup in De­cem­ber, saw a sem­blance of it when Creighton took the ad­vance in the 86th minute be­fore he lat­er drilled the nail in­to the Cen­tral FC cof­fin three min­utes lat­er.

Yesterday's Results.

(Saturday 25 January)

Central FC 0 v La Horquetta Rangers 2 (Jamal Creighton 86, 89), 3:30pm, Larry Gomes Stadium;

Defence Force 1 (Melvin Doxilly 59 Own-Goal) v Morvant Caledonia United 2 (Tev Lawrence 52, Joshua Alexander 71), 4pm, Ato Boldon Stadium.


1*De­fence Force FC*8*5*2*1*12*8*4*17
2*Mor­vant Cale­do­nia Unit­ed*9*4*4*1*11*7*4*16
3*Po­lice FC*8*4*2*2*13*7*6*14
4*Ter­minix La Hor­quet­ta Rangers*8*4*1*3*20*11*9*13
5*W Con­nec­tion*7*3*3*1*13*6*7*12
6*Point Fortin Civic*7*3*3*1*11*7*4*12
7*Cen­tral FC*9*2*3*4*8*11*-3*9
8*San Juan Jabloteh*8*2*3*3*9*13*-4*9
9*AC Port of Spain*8*2*1*5*10*24*-14*7
10*Tiger Tanks Club San­do*8*1*3*4*7*12*-5*6
11*Cunu­pia FC*8*0*3*5*5*13*-8*3

Upcoming Fixtures

(Tuesday 28 January)

Central FC v Defence Force, 6pm, La Horquetta Recreation Ground;

La Horquetta Rangers v Point Fortin Civic, 8pm, La Horquetta Recreation Ground;

AC Port of Spain v Club Sando, 6pm, Diego Martin Sporting Complex;

San Juan Jabloteh v Cunupia FC, 8pm, Diego Martin Sporting Complex;

W Connection v Police FC, 6pm, Ato Boldon Stadium.