
Sat, Feb
27 New Articles

Dexter Skeene, chief executive officer the T&T Professional Football League, says that his vision is to make the PFL the premier professional league in the region.

He also hopes that ultimately the league will be recognised worldwide for producing quality players who can compete effectively in the English Premier League, the Serie A and Spain’s La Liga.

“Yes! It may sound outrageous, and I use outrageous in the sense of not choosing to be conservative in our vision and ideas.

Yes, we are always pushing the envelope. We have to do it, “said Skeene.

“The central or core question that dominates what we do is; what will it take? What is necessary to achieve our goals?

“At the forefront of our minds is to be innovative and imaginative and to think out of the box.”

Skeene said that growing the T&T Pro League brand to achieve creditability, viability and permanence is a challenge, real in every sense of the word.

However, he noted, for the T&T Pro League the greatest risk is not taking risk.

“What I can say is the T&T Pro League is passionate about building a sustainable career pathway for the talented footballers and coaches in T&T.

“We are unwavering in our commitment to the betterment of football, also to assist in ensuring that we give a performance worthy of a footballing nation in World Cup 2006 and to qualifying on a regular basis for 2010, 2014 and beyond,” said Skeene.

A former national footballer, Skeene was also high in praise for some of the league’s major sponsors who have helped the league to grow over the past year.

Among the sponsors were, the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs , T&T Football Federation, First Citizens Bank, Toyota T&T Limited, Sports and Games Limited, Courts T&T Ltd, Glaxosmithkline and Seven Seas (Oscar Francois Ltd.).