
Sat, Feb
27 New Articles

The chairman of the T&T Pro League Mr. Larry Romany, wishes to confirm that Starworld Strikers and Superstar Rangers have been accepted to the T&T Pro League. The decision was taken after an intensive and detailed process including interviews and a due diligence process.

Both teams have given the league assurances that they will adhere to the policies, rules and regulations of the T & T Pro League.

While both teams have provided documentation to support financial ability to pay their players, there is still some minor documentation to be submitted. However, this documentation should be completed by Monday.

Both teams have confirmed that they have the necessary infrastructure to compete in the senior as well youth leagues.

With regard to Starworld Strikers, an additional requirement is to pay the outstanding monies owed to the players from the 2004 season. The league, in keeping with its mission and vision, have sought to have a guarantee that these outstanding salaries must be paid as a condition precedent.

The T&T Pro League recognizes that the process has been tedious and detailed but the league has an obligation and a duty to its players to ensure that financial obligations made to them are met.

The league takes this opportunity to officially welcome Joe Public, Starworld Strikers and Superstar Rangers for the 2006 season.

With the promotion/demotion structure in effect, which encompasses the Super League, the league anticipates a keenly contested 2006 season.