
Sat, Feb
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Chairman of the T&T Pro League Larry Romany is urging clubs in the T&T Pro League being part of the League is much more about playing the game.

According to the league’s chairman the a major challenge for Trinidad and Tobago Pro league clubs is seeing past the game itself.

“Most of the T&T Pro league clubs operate on the paradigm that it is all about playing the game. This narrow focus manifest itself in a seeming lack of appreciation for the marketing aspect of the business of professional football.”

He is calling on T&T Pro league Clubs to embrace the concept that they are in the entertainment business and professional football is the entertainment.

He says, clubs must make it a priority to enhance the overall fan experience so fans will be encouraged to attend a pro league match as they will see it as a fun-filled experience.

Romany while concerned, is confident that the necessary evolution in thinking will take place with education.

With this in mind the Pro league will undertake the responsibility to provide clubs with the best practice information and knowledge by hosting workshops for clubs, Romany said.

The League's chairman pointed to the T&T Pro league negotiated Sports and Games partnership, which has significant revenue earning opportunities for the League, and it's clubs.

"Clubs have yet to capitalize on the merchandising potential offered by Sports and Games, to have official team replica kit in every S&G outlet".

Romany insists that The Pro league Office alone cannot drive merchandising sales or bring the crowds out to games. "It can only be done if clubs do their part and commit to market and promote themselves in their respective communities. Make themselves attractive and cultivate a fan base." asserted Romany.

"The league Office can market and promote till thine kingdom come. It is the clubs that must deliver the quality football and players to capture the public's imagination". said Romany.

"The mindset has to move from survival mode or trying a thing to a more self assured, self confident attitude. One that says professional football is here to stay. This is a legitimate and credible business within the entertainment sector with a sound business model".

Romany acknowledges that the Pro league and it's clubs have made progress in the last three years. However he is mindful that like any other business sector sustainable success can only be achieved with vigilance, attention to detail and sound business fundamentals, a clear vision, innovation and an indomitable will to succeed.

"It has helped no end that the Government understands and supports what we are trying to build but we have to strive to make business sense and achieve self sufficiency. At the end of the day if you want to increase revenue. You have to market! market! get out in the marketplace know your customers and anticipate their needs and wants" ended Romany.