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CL Financial San Juan Jabloteh and Trinidad and Tobago midfielder Kerry Baptiste has joined the 2006 League Champions B Mobile Joe Public on a two year contract.

The national midfielder was sent job-hunting by Coach Terry Fenwick of the San Juan based Club after the 2006 season although he was contracted until the end of 2007.

Fenwick told ‘’, “It was solely my decision to offer Kerry the option of seeking opportunities outside of Jabloteh. Kerry is absolutely a great passer of the ball, but we have younger guys at the Club who are now coming forward.”

Baptiste who captained Jabloteh for more than half the 2006 season told ‘’, “I have joined Joe Public and it’s great to be reunited with players such as Dale Saunders a former Jabloteh player, and national teammates Lyndon Andrews, Arnold Dwarika and Gary Glasgow which was one of my reasons for joining the Club,” he said.

The 25 year old father to be is now promising trophies for his new club the ‘Eastern Lions’.
“I am now looking forward to a great season with Joe Public. I always try and bring an input forward and now I am going to help Joe Public win titles.”

“I am expecting my first child this year and this is my motivation to having my greatest season as a footballer,” ended the national player.

Technical Director of Macoya based Club, Keith Lookloy speaking with ‘’ confirmed the two year signing of the national midfielder.

“Kerry approached us after Jabloteh advised him to seek another Club and we have decided to sign him on a two year contract.”

“We have already signed an agreement with Jabloteh on a free transfer of Kerry. In the agreement Jabloteh can also get a free transfer of such a quality player from Joe Public once agreed upon by both Clubs,” confirmed Lookloy.

The Technical Director also believes that Kerry Baptiste is a significant addition to his Club saying, “Kerry is an important addition to us. He is a very ambitious player and can be very vital for us. He can fit in well in the middle of the field just as he did for Jabloteh, even on the flanks like what we saw in the Digicel Caribbean Cup with the national team. He is also a player that can contribute with goals and this will be good for us,” ended the Joe Public Technical Director.