1. What are your plans to generate money and improve crowd support for the Pro League.
DS: The League's marketing committee in accord with our marketing plans meet regularly to address these issues. The league has seen improvement in awareness and crowd support. I am confident that we will achieve our objectives in this area.
2. In one of my recent Q&A with Mike Berry he said "One thing that bugs me about the PFL though. The teams MUST be named after their village/town to establish a community identity particularly with the youths e.g.. Morvant United instead of Caledonia. This is how it works in the UK and elsewhere and, in my opinion, is one reason why the crowds do not give allegiance to the PFL at present". Do you agree with these sentiments.
DS: I agree. The community affiliation is important. The teams and the league are working on this aspect. However the clubs cannot be forced to change their names. The issue of crowds not coming out is not as simple as Mr Berry believes.
3. In your eyes do you see the Pro League surviving say another 4 years.
DS: I see the league thriving in four years. The league has a key role in the social fabric of T&T. IT GIVES A CAREER OPPORTUNITY TO YOUNG LOCAL FOOTBALLERS. This thing is bigger than just kicking around a football.
4. As you know I run the Soca Warriors Online website and many members are mainly foreigners. One of many discussions carried out are fans wanted to buy Pro League items such as club shirts, purchase tapes or dvds of pro league games and also have access to buy online tickets to games for those who might be returning home and may want to check out a game or two or sell products at every sport store in T&T. My question, how can you make this a reality. Bear in mind if we expand this way the Pro League will only benefit as it may help improve the crowd support and possible gain a profit from selling items on line targeting the international market as well.
DS: Like any new business full development of commercial potential will take time. We are fully aware of the possibilities. In the fullness of time we have a clear strategy and you will see very soon the next phase implemented.
5. No doubt your website for the T&T Pro League is much better than before, however, the information there is still very limited and the Soca Warriors Online carry news, stats, rosters, coaches etc on clubs in T&T most of the info I get "before" Joel Villafana came onboard was basically on my own and I am sure some info may not be accurate because of the poor communication I get from the PFL or the poor reports you get from local press, again, Joel is doing a great job with his reports, but more match details, stats, in-depth analysis, line-ups and subs and so on, is needed. How can we improve our relationship, how can I get much needed info in a timely manner, how can I get you guys to take my request seriously. Can you touch on this and please, follow up. I mean, we must improve in any and everyway we can, we cannot continue to look like amateurs in a professional environment, an overall improvement is needed.
DS: As you noted the website has improved and I can assure you it will continue to do so.
6. In some ways foreign players are very important to the PFL. Can you give us a break down on this topic. For instance how many foreign players can a club sign, how many foreign players can run out on game day, is there a salary cap involved etc.
DS: The Board meets each year to decide the amount of foreign players in the League. At present there are no restrictions with regard to the amount of foreign players per Club.
7. Do you think clubs should have 2 national under 21 maybe, under 23 players on the field at all times.
DS: Matters of team selection are up to the individual teams.
8. Tobago United since their existent are doing very poor and we have Super League teams doing so great, will you enforce the relegation and promotion of such teams. We must remember that it is very important to have good teams at a high level compete in order to keep the league competitive.
DS: In an ideal world you are right. As the TTFF development plan starts to produce better players the football overall will improve and by extension the pro-league.
9. 2004 PFL champs North East Stars could not afford to participate in the CONCACAF cup and had to pull out because of financial reasons. How can we prevent this from happening in the future. Or find a way where the runners-up could have taken their spot. Or even have requirements for all clubs to have a certain amount of money.
DS: Sponsorship.
10. At the end of every season do you think we can have a charity match where we pick the best 18 from the PFL senior, under 20 and under 17 teams to play exhibition matches with the T&T senior team, the national under 20 and the national under 17 teams. I am sure it will eventually raise some money that could be of some use.
DS: Good idea.
11. For the upcoming CONCACAF cup matches which we do fairly good with support. Do you think it will be wise if it was double headed with another game that may help full the stadium and also have the game at the national stadium because of the capacity.
DS: Those games are matters for the TTFF and Concacaf.
12. Can you inform us of the format of the league (i.e. if there are play-offs, what happens if two teams have the same amount of points, etc.).
DS: The League consist of three Round of Matches and a Big Six competition. If two teams have the same amount of points the winner will be decided based on goal difference.
13. Now that the telephone/internet service in T&T is more competitive and advanced and prices are reasonable not to mention companies who are new to T&T may want to invest in some local event. It possible to approach them to be of some help. Stuff like sponsoring a game or a player while you advertise their brand on shirts and billboards at games, throw some incentives for players and coaches who show progress. Even allowing fans/scouts/future sponsors etc to view highlights of games and players week in, week out, ...online.
DS: The league marketing have explored all opportunities and will continue to do so.
14. Would this be considered a selfish or a smart act. When local clubs sell players to foreign clubs the Pro League gets a percentage of the transfer money.
DS: The league does not own the players so that will not be an option.
15. How is it possible to get foreign clubs to participate in a pre-season tournament with local clubs every year.
DS: You have to negotiate with them.
16. How often and when is the transfer window open.
DS: There are two periods during which transfers are allowed. January 15th to March 14th and August 15th to September 14th annually.
17. Like the MLS, can T&T follow suit in some ways like get retiring stars to play in the league, whether T&T players or foreign players. I am sure it will do some good in many ways.
DS: Some of the teams are considering this idea.
18. Do you think its would be wise to have a national youth side compete in the PFL's youth league.
DS: It would depend on what goals they are trying to achieve.
19. Is the T&T government assisting our league in anyway.
20. Does it have anyway the SSFL and the PFL can merge or be in some partnership that will benefit our players and crowd capacity. Say for example, double headers with a PFL game etc.
DS: We are intend to have un-going discussions with all the various leagues to ensure that fixtures are streamlined and maximum benefit is derived.
Thank You...
Dexter Skeene.
Note: On behalf of the Soca Warriors Online I just what to say Thank You to Mr. Dexter Skeene for taking the time to do this interview for us. Please keep up the great work you are doing and we all wish you all the best in the future...