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Chairman of the CLICO San Juan Jabloteh - Jerry Hospedales slams local football (Photo: Joel Bailey, T&T Newsday).Jerry Hospedales, chairman of the CLICO San Juan Jabloteh Sports Club, has slammed the organisation of football at the local level.
Hospedales aired his views during a feature address at the club’s recent annual awards, which took place at the Cascadia Hotel, St Ann’s.

“We are aware that success would only be derived from the consistent application of a credible and comprehensive strategic plan which we have in place at (the club) but, at the national level, such a plan is completely absent,” he said.

“The ad-hoc planning arrangements of recent decades at the national level must be quickly discarded and replaced by a comprehensive strategic plan,” Hospedales added.

He outlined a number of areas which must be dealt with in order for local football to improve.

“Firstly, at the most basic level, the national federation, through its coaching and administrative establishment, must ensure that only proven players be selected for the national team,” he noted. “We must follow the rules established by all major teams including the English team under Fabio Capello, a player must be playing for a club if he is to be considered for national selection.

“Secondly, the chaotic structure of football administration must give way to long-term strategic planning and organisation,” Hospedales added. “We cannot continue to meander along, clueless and plan-less, raising national hopes and aspirations on the basis of a successful strategy which has consistently failed in the past.

“An urgent requirement is to address the existing democratic deficit at the level of the Federation,” he continued. “Reform is urgent, we cannot continue to have a centre surrounded by like-minded yes-men administering our football.

“Thirdly, the national and domestic agendas need to be immediately reconciled to ensure that the national team, the domestic league competitions and the national champion meet their commitments in a well-organised framework.

“A first and initial step would be the preparation of fixtures in the context of FIFA windows - to which all parties would be committed,” he added. “The benefits from an improvement in spectator interest and donor support would be tremendous.”

Jabloteh won three titles during the 2008 local football season — the Pro League, Lucozade Sport Big Six and Toyota Classic.

“We need to focus on strengthening our own organisation, the Pro League” Hospedales stressed. “The Board of the Pro League under Larry Romany and Dexter Skeene must be commended for their skillful and astute leadership.

“But there is no doubt that the league must now commit itself to building on its credibility and integrity which it has won through sound leadership and management.

“He continued, “firstly, good governance and modernisation must be reflected in a restructured Board of Directors with the introduction of broader expertise and experience.

“Secondly, a radical overhaul of our disciplinary system is required,” Hospedales added. “We should no longer depend on the disciplinary system of the governing body, given the fact that the objectives of the League and the Federation cannot always be reconciled and, on many occasions, the disciplinary panels act as both judge and jury.

“We need to put in place immediately our own independent disciplinary commission.

“Thirdly, an elitist panel of referees needs to be created through performance-based assessments for membership,” he stated.

Hospedales also lauded the work of the club, in terms of producing players for national teams - Cyd Gray, Karlon Murray and Cornell Glen (men’s team); Jerrel Britto, Terrence Gaulteau, Luke Hernandez, Dinell Lopez, Zavion Navarro, Vernel Ramirez, Moriba Ballah, Jamal Francois, Dillon Kirton, Dwight Ceballo, Anslem Jackson and Cordell Cato (men’s Under-17); Afiya Mathias, Tiana Bateau and Cassie McKenzie (women’s Under-17).

The club chairman also emphasised the fact that 30 of their Under-16 and Under-18 players were featured in the 2008 Secondary Schools Football League (SSFL), including 12 at St Anthony’s, four respectively at St Augustine and St Mary’s, three at Intercol champs Mucurapo, two respectively at Fatima, Malick and San Juan, and one at QRC.

- Honour Roll


- Women’s Division

Most Disciplined: Khadija Gabriel; Most Improved: Stephini Reid and Jennel Kisson; Most Goals: Athiya Penco and Tasha St Louis (6); Most Valuable Player: Tiana Bateau.

Clinic Division

-Most Disciplined: Ramario Richards; Most Improved: Adrian D’Arbasie; Most Valuable Player: Aaron D’Arbasie.

- Under-14 Division

Most Disciplined: Nkosi David; Most Improved: Akim Andrews; Most Goals: Sergio Braveboy (6); Most Valuable Player: Mario Kissoon.

- Under-16 Division

Most Disciplined: Kedar Roderick; Most Improved: Savion Kirton; Most Goals: Jerrel Britto (18); Most Valuable Player: Jamaal Francois.

Under-18 Division

-Most Disciplined: Chad Apoo; Most Improved: Kevin Eastman; Most Goals: Stephen Knox (13); Most Valuable Player: Stephan Chang.

Reserve Division -

Most Disciplined: Kaashif Thomas; Most Improved: Joel Russell; Most Goals: Elijah Manners (11); Most Valuable Player: Elijah Manners.

Pro League Division -

Most Disciplined: Cleon John; Most Improved: Elton John; Most Goals: Trent Noel (17); Most Valuable Player: Trent Noel.