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Young talented footballers in San Fernando and environs doing well academically could land scholarships in the United States if they are members of Marabella Flames Football Academy, an organisation which is being financed by T&T businessmen residing in the U.S.

Two of the country’s former top footballers, Lincoln “Tiger” Phillips and Alvin Corneal both shared the same view: Marabella Flames Football Academy will help to develop South into a type of footballing community it once was in their glory days as active players.

“Once the academy gets rolling, kids will be developed into top players like those that represented South against North in our days,” stated Phillips on Sunday at the launch of the academy at San Fernando Government Secondary School on Todd Street. Referring to the venture as a “bold endeavour”, Phillips, who is Technical Director of Football in T&T, said: “If we are to create dangerous players on the national team, it has to happen from below with the kids.”

Corneal, who wears many hats at Fifa level and coached the national team at three different intervals, complimented Flames on starting such an academy to develop young players in the southland. “I know it is a great challenge and want you to understand that primarily the people of San Fernando will benefit,” said Corneal, who was one of the feature speakers along with Phillips and Dexter Skeene, CEO of the T&T Pro League. Former Princes Town Senior Comprehensive defender, Anthony Noreiga is Director of Youth Development at the academy.

Claiming that he had a vision in his younger days of running his own football academy, 27-year-old Noreiga now gets the opportunity to fulfill his dream by gaining first-hand experience as director of the academy. “While growing up I had the vision of having my own academy, after my playing days were over,” Noreiga said. “But here I am being presented with the opportunity to run Marabella Flames Academy. Because of that vision, I saw it fit to come on board so that I could give back something to the youths of T&T.”

Working alongside Noreiga will be Terrance Marcelle, a top youth coach in the southland attached to the T&T Football Federation. An agreement was made between Flames and San Fernando Government Secondary School “Mod-Sec” in conducting the youth development programme within the school. Flames Academy is a spin off of Champs (Children Happy and Motivated Playing Soccer) based in New York. Official start will be on Monday and registration continues daily at the Upper Room, 57 Gooding Village, Cipero Street, or by contacting 763-7284.