
Sun, Jul
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T&T Pro League board of directors, comprising representatives from the eight clubs, will meet today at the league’s offices at Valpark Plaza, Valsayn, at 2.30 pm.

The clubs, shareholders of the Pro League, will discuss last weekend’s T&T Football Federation (T&TFF) Symposium, held at the Joao Havelange Centre of Excellence, Macoya.

One of the main topics of discussion will be the merging of the Pro League with the National Super League, which was discussed at the symposium.

Pro League chief executive officer Dexter Skeene said the symposium was interesting and informative.

“There were some interesting suggestions and proposals. These will now be reported to, and discussed by, the T&T Pro League board of directors.

“As everyone is aware, the T&T Pro League is a company with shareholders. Accordingly, it would be premature for any far-reaching decisions to be made concerning the T&T Pro League without a directive from the board of directors.”
The former national footballer, however, expressed confidence in a bright future for the T&T Pro League’s and said the League is committed to the development of football in T&T.

Austin Jack Warner, special adviser to the T&TFF, said the symposium was “an overview of our football (and it) reveals an absence of unified purpose in the general administration of the sport at all levels, as evidenced by the operations of our various leagues and associations.”

Warner said they have been trying with limited success to cater for the needs of all who play football.

“The lack of a clear objective is reflected on the field of play at every single level of the game in this country.
“It is obvious that if we are to experience any kind of improvement in the local game, some clear objectives must be articulated.

“We are suggesting that the objectives of the T&T Football Federation be two-fold, with the aim to produce national teams that will do credit to T&T, and secondly, to provide recreation and enjoyment for all through football.”
Warner also hinted that attempts will be made to extend the period of the Secondary Schools League season, as well as to start playing more games under lights during the week to facilitate players who may be in school, or living far from match venues.

Among those present were CONCACAF technical director Keith Look Loy, T&T head coach Bertille St Clair, T&TFF technical director Lincoln Phillips, T&TFF president Oliver Camps, former national coach Everard Cummings, Alvin Corneal, and Pro League CEO Dexter Skeene.