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DIRECTV North East Stars held an event on Wednesday to raise awareness of survivors of domestic violence.

The event, called "Treat Her Like A Lady" took place in the pool area of Carlton Savannah hotel in St Anns and was attended by over 70 invited guests.

Invitations were sent out to prominent women and celebrities for this all women event, where the only men in attendance were footballers and staff from North East Stars, who were there to cook and wait on the ladies.
The evening was hosted by Nikki Crosby who had the guests roaring with laughter as she introduced the players and staff of the Sangre Grande club. Michelle Xavier of the band IMJ & Co performed solo, singing some uplifting songs.
Boxer Ria Ramnarine spoke to the guests about the need for more women to speak out on behalf of those women who can't and praised the work of North East Stars to put on such an elegant and worthwhile event.

She said that the evening was already a success because she had vowed to do more to help shelters and another guest she had spoke to wanted to do some voluntary work with NGO's working in this field.
Rhoda Reddock, Professor of Gender and Development and Head of the Centre for Gender and Development Studies at U.W.I. also spoke to the guests and explained how those boys witnessing domestic violence often grow up to be abusers themselves.

She said that it was impressive that footballers, who are often role models, were trying to use their influence to highlight such issues.
North East Stars Operation Director, Kevin Harrison said " This was a fantastic event and couldn't have been possible without our business partners, DIRECTV, Carib and Cher-Mere as well as sponsors Woodford Cafe. More Veno, Hadco and S.M.Jameel.

Special thanks go to all at the Carlton Savannah for allowing us to use their facilities and providing support"
C.E.O. Brent Sancho who spent most of the evening at the grill said "Kevin and I had the idea for this when we were invited to a movie premiere in aid of one of the womens shelters.

Although we don't understand all of the issues, we wanted to raise awareness of these issues and encourage people to get involved. I am very proud of our players tonite.

They have acted as gentlemen, escorting the guests from the car park, serving food and drinks and ensuring everyone has had a pleasant evening."
The Stars Events Co-ordinator, Khaty Martin-Jones added " This has been a wonderful evening and will certainly show a different side of the players. They have a massive match on friday in the Lucozade Shield final, so it means even more to take time out to do this."

Cher-Mere offered massages and facials to survivors of domestic violence in the afternoon in one of the hotels private suites.

"Discretion is paramount" said Martin-Jones "But Cher-Mere really wanted to pamper these ladies who have undergone abuse, sometimes over a number of years. We hope in some small way we have made a difference tonite."