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The English Football Association have awarded Terry Fenwick the “UEFA A License” in September. Fenwick, one of only two people in the region, the other residing in Jamaica has been a fully fledged coach since 1991.

Fenwick successfully completed the English Full Badge whilst still a player with Tottenham Hotspur back in the early nineties. The Full Badge was superseded by the UEFA “A License” in the late 90’s.

A three day conversion course was implemented to smoothly convert Full Badge coaches into UEFA A License Coaches.  Fenwick, who was Terry Venables assistant coach at Crystal Palace at that time did not complete the conversion course before he took up his coaching position at San Juan Jabloteh.

Several years had passed where the T&T Pro –Leagues schedule restricted Fenwick from reaffirming his credentials. Fenwick got that opportunity and took full advantage last year while he was absent from San Juan Jabloteh during the CLICO crisis.

Fenwick’s Full Badge course in 1991 was conducted by John Peacock, the now “Head of Coaching” at the English FA. Fenwick and Peacock have remained friends since 1991.

Also on the course were Chris Houghton, Alan Curbishley and Steve Rutter.  Rutter, now a solid fixture at the English FA conducts courses worldwide for the most prestigious award in football.

Mentors - Sir Bobby Robson & Terry Venables

Fenwick has been fortunate to work under English legends Sir Bobby Robson and Terry Venables.  Venables was Fenwick’s mentor and Manager at three Premiership clubs, Crystal palace, Queens Park Rangers and Tottenham Hotspur. Sadly, Sir Bobby Robson past away last year but Fenwick and Venable remain close friends.


Fenwick’s first managerial appointment was as Manager of Portsmouth FC 1994-97.

Fenwick quickly applied his development skills into the cash strapped club netting the south coast club over £10.5 million pounds over his three year tenure.

Developmental/ Transfer Fees – Lee Bradbury 3.5M, Kit Simons 2.2M, Paul Hall 1.3M, Daryll Powell 800K, Jerry Creaney 1.5M, Deon Burton.2M, Guy Butters 350K, Matt Swensen 650K.

Fenwick’s Development Program in T&T with local outfit San Juan Jabloteh has also been impressive.

Listed below are some of the players Fenwick has aided in developing.

Kelvin Jack, Collin Samuel, Cyd Gray, Ian Gray, Autis Whitley, Cornell Glen, Josh Johnson, Trent Noel, Kerry Baptiste, Ataullah Guerra, Lester Peltier, Khaleem Hyland, Robert Primus, Sheldon Bateau, Jerrel Britto, Cleon John, Elton John, Elijah Manners, Jason Marcano, Devon Jamerson, Johan Peltier….. and the next rising star progressing through Fenwick could be Matthew Woo Ling who at 14 has already attended several sessions with Fenwick and his San Juan Jabloteh Pro-Team.

Overseas Contracts

Fenwick has secured 18 overseas contracts for local T&T players.

Contribution to T&T Football