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On behalf of the players, staff and supporters of DIRECTV North East Stars, I would like to congratulate Defence Force on their achievement in winning the 2010 Digicel Pro League.

As much as I didn't particularly enjoy the goals scored against North East, I very much enjoyed the goal celebrations that epitomised the fantastic team spirit of the team, including the obvious respect and comraderie displayed by the players for Coach Russell.

Congratulations also to everyone from Caledonia AIA for finishing as runners up, a superb performance.
I'd  like to thank all of the Head Coaches, players and staff for their efforts this season and I look forward to next seasons matches already. Our thoughts also must go to those players who received injuries this season, particularly Kevin Carter, and I wish him and all players a speedy and successful recovery.
In many ways, this seasons Pro League has been very exciting with the tension lasting right up to the final days matches, even to the point where the final match between Police and F.C. South End leaves the teams with something to play for.
This can only bode well for the future of professional football in Trinidad & Tobago.
My biggest disapointment is that attendances are still poor. Aside from attracting sponsors, we need bigger gates to provide income for the teams and the Pro League.

It is clear to all involved in football in this country that it is no longer good enough to consider football as a sport....we are all in the "business of football" and every decision must be taken first as a business decision.

I think it would be useful for club and Pro League representatives to meet in a seminar to discuss ways we can all improve our income, and therefore build stronger clubs. A stronger league can only benefit the clubs that play in it. We must work together so our individual successes are greater.
I would also like to congratulate all those clubs who actively participated in the Digicel HOPE project. Certainly, the players and staff at North East have enjoyed the community work they have participated in enormously, and I am so proud of the spirit with which they participated.

I believe initiatives such as the HOPE project are extremely important to the branding and marketing of professional football in T&T.

Community projects should be embraced and entered into with spirit. Our communities are the bedrock upon which our we can build strong, sustainable  football clubs. Our communities not only provide a ready source of income through support, but they also act as the breeding grounds for our future players, and a potential source of income through overseas sales.
Thanks also go to the referees, referees assistants and administrators, without whom we would have no league. We're all guilty of complaining at times about these guys (and girls!), but they perform to the best of their abilities and never receive the praise or gratitude they deserve for helping us participate in the sport we love.
Finally, I would like to thank Dexter Skeene and the Pro League staff for all their hard work this season. I am sure that their jobs are very difficult at times, and, again, praise is very rarely given. I can't imagine how difficult it is trying to keep 11 head coaches happy for a whole season!!! Special thanks to Julia, who carries out her role with immense patience and a smile, and always tries to attend events and matches where possible.
I thank you for taking the time to read this and I wish Defence Force and AIA Caledonia much success in the CONCACAF competition. Guys, you're representing all of us, so mash 'em up nah!
I know we may still meet up in the remaining competitions and I hope you will all attend the F.A.Trophy final on friday (and support North East - sorry, Terry!) but lets try to use the close season to work together to ensure next season is even better. Yours in Football
Kevin Harrison
Operations Director
DIRECTV North East Stars F.C