
Fri, Jan

T&T U-15s beaten after leading 2-0.

T&T Un­der-15s squan­dered a 2-0 half-time lead to fall 2-4 to Guatemala when the Con­ca­caf Boys Un­der-15 Cham­pi­onship con­tin­ued at the IMG Acad­e­my in Braden­ton, Flori­da, USA on Thurs­day.

Com­ing off a third-place fin­ish in their Di­vi­sion One four-team round-robin af­ter los­ing to Cos­ta Ri­ca, and Por­tu­gal both by 3-0 mar­gins and draw­ing 1-1 with neigh­bours Bar­ba­dos, the Stu­art Charles-Fevri­er T&T boys were ea­ger to get the first win.

And they got the per­fect start when Ja-Shawn Thomas beat goal­keep­er Faus­to Del­ga­do as ear­ly as the first minute with a close-range shot.

The T&T coach made ear­ly changes with Mo­lik Khan, Nathaniel James and Isa­iah Thomp­son re­plac­ing Ab­dul Qud­doos-Hy­po­lite, Kas­sidy David­son and Dan­taye Gilbert.

And Khan al­most ex­tend­ed T&T's lead when his at­tempt was just tipped over by Del­ga­do.

How­ev­er, from the re­sult­ing cor­ner, Ro­dri­go Vil­lalo­bos turned the ball in­to his net to hand Caribbean na­tion a 2-0 cush­ion.

How­ev­er, just as in their pre­vi­ous match against Por­tu­gal, in which they con­ced­ed three sec­ond-half goals, the T&T boys ran out of steam and the Cen­tral Amer­i­cans took full ad­van­tage with three goals in­side four min­utes.

First, Chrisphi­an Estra­da cut T&T's lead in half on the hour mark while Joshua Trigueno head­ed in the equalis­er two min­utes lat­er, be­fore Estra­da banged in a sec­ond in the 64th for a 3-2 Guatemala lead.

With ten min­utes left in the clash, An­der­son Moli­na made it 4-2 Guatemala from which T&T could not re­cov­er.

Speak­ing af­ter the match, Charles-Fevri­er was di­rect in his com­ments and said he ac­cept­ed full re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for the re­sults of the team.

"I will not run away from it or hide from it. The play­ers gave every­thing that they had, they played well,' he con­tin­ued.

He added, "As I said ear­ly, it's a process, it's a de­vel­op­ment and they could learn from this. I just hope go­ing for­ward we will be able to con­tin­ue play­ing at that lev­el of com­pe­ti­tion".

Go­ing for­ward, the St Lu­cian-born Charles-Fevri­er said he is keen to bol­ster the squad and has ini­ti­at­ed plans to do so to have some fresh per­son­nel in the camp when train­ing re­sumes.


Trinidad & Tobago: 1. Kanye Lazarus (GK) (18. Tris­tan Ed­wards 35’), 2. Chris­t­ian Bai­ley, 4. Jeron Pas­call, 6. Ja­heim Mar­shall (Cap­tain) 7. Ab­dul Qud­doos Hy­po­lite (8. Mo­lik Khan 36’), 9. Ja-Shawn Thomas, 11. Josi­ah Wil­son 12. Tris­ton Stafford, 13. Kas­sidy David­son (10. Nathaniel James 36’), 15. Dan­taye Gilbert (16. Isa­iah Thomp­son 36’), 17. Ja­heim Faustin

Un­used Sub­sti­tutes: 3. Dawn St. Rose, 5. Tyrik Trot­man, 14. De­shawn Brown.

Guatemala: 12. Faus­to Del­ga­do, 2. Eli Ro­dríguez (17 Jar­od Martínez 50’), 3. Diego Be­tan­court, 4. Juan Man­cil­la, 6. Jorge Gordil­lo (11. Joshua Trigueño 62’) , 7. Daniel As­turias, 8. Ro­dri­go Vil­lalo­bos (Cap­tain), 10. Chrisphi­an Estra­da, 14. Hugo Castel­lanos (18. An­der­son Moli­na 36’), 9. Manolo Juárez (15. Emilio Ko­rich 42’), 16. San­ti­a­go Sánchez

Un­used Sub­sti­tutes: 1. Javier Meji­cano, 5. Diego Vil­la­toro, 13. Gi­an­lu­ca Fail­lace.