
Wed, Jun


THE ENGLISH Football Association (FA), in collaboration with CONCACAF and the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF), launched a seven-day Youth Coaching Workshop at the Dr Joao Havelange Centre of Excellence, Macoya, Tunapuna on September 17.

The workshop, which ran from September 18-24, was conducted by Richard Horner, a FA Regional Coach Development Manager from London, and Robert Udberg, a team leader of the FA Skills Programme in Kent.

The workshop targetted coaches wishing to extend their coaching knowledge as it relates to players between the ages of five and 11.

At the Opening Ceremony, CONCACAF president Jack Warner appealed to participants to use the knowledge acquired during the week to benefit football in the region.

“The power to great football lies in youth football,” he said. “The glitz and the glamour of being associated with the national team may attract many coaches, but many fail to realise that it is the youth coaches who possess the keys to unlock the potential of great players.

“Talent plays a great part in making an excellent player but harnessing a great player can only occur if the coach marries talent and technique,” Warner continued. “The technique of any great player is created during his young years in the sport.

“There are no instant fixes in football,” stated Warner. “Many of our Caribbean nations have never qualified for a World Cup but that does not mean that they never will.

“They all can, once we lay the right foundation. That foundation lies with the youth coaches. I make only one appeal to you today, take the knowledge and pass it on to others. It is only through co-operation and collaboration can we succeed.”

Horner, in his address, said, “This workshop is going to be different. We will break new ground over the next seven days. I want you to know it will be challenging but the rewards will be worth it.”

Organisers said the workshop would not only tackle training techniques on the field but they hoped to address a number of issues which affect a player’s performance off the field, including managing mistakes, self- esteem and dictating plays.

The course was expected to provide practical sessions and advice for coaching this age group and increase the candidate’s knowledge of how to develop their coaching to incorporate the FA 4 corner model.

The course was expected to cover technical development and in the physical corner it will offer fundamental ideas for the coach to use as well as suggested activities for the development of football’s specific movements.

The important social and psychological development of the young player was also to be examined.