
Tue, Jun

AUSTIN JACK WARNER, Fifa vice-president and Concacaf boss will be the patron of honour at the fourth T&T Football Cup Easter Tournament which will be played over the next seven days, starting today.

The organising committee said it was honoured to have Warner, whose dedication to youth football in the region is without question, as their guest of honour.

The age-groups to be contested in this year’s tournament are for boys Under-13 (1994-1995); Under-15 (1992-1993) and Under-17 (1990-1) while the girls will play in the Under-17 age-group.

As in the past the participating clubs will play their matches at the five stadia throughout T&T.

The tournament rules and regulations will be similar to what existed in previous years.

Like last year, teams winning the groups in their venue will be rewarded with a trophy, and entry into the next round.

There will be prizes for the best disciplined team, the most valuable player in each age-group and the player scoring the most goals. All MVPs will be given a $500 ticket to view the farewell match involving T&T and Peru.

The most outstanding coach will also be rewarded for his effort with a trophy.

Alvin Corneal, chairman of the T&T Cup committee expressed his gratitude to the T&T Football Federation for their continued support to the competition.

Corneal noted that the age-group competitions have been adjusted to facilitate the national programmes.

This year, the Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Roger Boynes has also decided to assist each participating team entering the competition by paying two thirds of their registration fees.