
Sat, Feb


Jake Warner presents Jake Thomson with his new T&T passport (Photo: Shaun Fuentes).TTFF Special Adviser  Jack Warner on Wednesday night presented English-born footballer Jake Thomson with his Trinidad and Tobago passport which makes him eligible to play for the country in Thursday’s opening match of the FIFA Under 20 World Championship against Egypt.

Warner explained that it turned out to be a close call regarding  Thomson getting his  passport in time to play on Thursday.

The TTFF Special Advisor  credited Minister of National Security Martin Joseph for his efforts in ensuring that all the necessary documentation was approved and that the Southampton player was able to receive his passport. That passport was only collected in London on Tuesday by team manager Chris De Silva.

“There were several calls and emails exchanged over the past few days because of the fact that we just could not get the passport before. The authorities had rejected the request  for the passport and don’t forget that Monday was a holiday so there was no work all weekend.

But were able to pull this off. If anybody deserves a round of applause for Jake Thomson getting a passport tonight, it is the Minister of National Security Martin Joseph. I know he is under all kinds of abuse and criticism at home but I hope he can hear the applause for him in Alexandria tonight,” Warner told TTFF Media. There was a loud applause from the T&T players as Warner presented

Thomson with the passport on Wednesday night at the Radisson Hotel, Alexandria.

“Guys thanks a lot for everything I have received so far,” Thomson added. “You have been fantastic to me and you have all made me feel welcomed.

I believe that what is in this room is more than capable, not just of beating Egypt but doing more and even prorgressing to 2014. Every training session has made me feel a little stronger and better. I’m going into tomorrow’s game very excited because I believe we can win,” he said.

Warner will be a featured guest at the opening ceremony and match at the Egyptian Army Stadium, Alexandria alongside President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak and FIFA President Sepp Blatter. The event to mark the start of the Championship will have a crowd of over 80,000 fans and 20,000 (twenty thousand) security officers at the venue.