
Wed, Jun


goalkeeper Andre Marchan being helped by player from UraguayHe conceded ten goals in this country’s three final round Olympic qualifying matches but goalkeeper Andre Marchan is certain he will go on to become a more solid custodian after the experience in California last month.

The W Connection player who  is on loan to DirecTV North East Stars was particularly noted for his inability to handle cross balls under pressure by the journalists in the media tribune at the Home Depot Center.

“It’s a learning experience. I gave my best but I know there are some areas to work on and I intend to do that to ensure I can come back on the national team as a better goalkeeper,” Marchan said.

Commenting on the goal conceded against Panama, he said: “I thought I should have done better. I should have dealt better with the cross by holding the ball but the conditions were tough out there and it was hard to hold the ball at times.  I wouldn’t say my confidence was low but it was not easy.

My teammates were behind me. It’s country first at all times so I put my body on the line while we were out there,” said Marchan who added that the cold and rainy conditions in the 1-1 draw versus Panama was the most difficult he’s ever played in.