
Sat, Feb


ELI­JAH Bel­grave con­tin­ued his pro­lif­ic form in the Care­nage All-Star Com­mu­ni­ty Foot­ball League by scor­ing a hat-trick to pro­pel 13 Posse to a nail-bit­ing 4-3 win against First En­gi­neer Bat­tal­ion of the T&T De­fence Force to be crowned the league’s Knock­out cham­pi­ons for the 2018 sea­son.

In the fi­nal played at the Care­nage Recre­ation Ground on Wednes­day evening, a packed crowd was treat­ed to an ex­cit­ing en­counter with the Bel­grave strike broth­ers, Eli­jah and Josi­mar, mak­ing the dif­fer­ence at the fi­nal whis­tle.

While Eli­jah stole the spot­light with his hat-trick, Josi­mar reg­is­tered the fourth item for 13 Posse.

First En­gi­neer Bat­tal­ion, which has pro­duced stal­wart per­for­mances through­out the league and knock­out com­pe­ti­tions, put up a valiant show­ing but again came up short. The run­ners up got their goals through Jesse Bai­ley, Kele Moore and Kendell Gar­cia.

With the knock-out ti­tle al­ready in their tro­phy bag, 13 Possie, is now the favourite to reg­is­ter the league dou­ble when the team comes up against Mt. Pleas­ant in the league fi­nal on Sat­ur­day.

The league fi­nal starts off at 6.45 pm at the Care­nage Recre­ation Ground, to be fol­lowed by the pre­sen­ta­tion of prizes and tro­phies for top per­for­mance by teams and in­di­vid­u­als.

The Care­nage All-Star Com­mu­ni­ty Foot­ball League, which is or­gan­ised by Friends & Fam­i­ly Com­mu­ni­ty Group, was re­vived this year af­ter a two-year ab­sence through the in­ter­ven­tion of en­er­gy com­pa­ny BP Trinidad and To­ba­go (BPTT)