
Fri, Feb


'Con­tribute what you can,' mem­bers of the or­ga­niz­ing com­mit­tee of the 'Foot­ball For a Cause' that in­clude na­tion­al foot­ball coach Den­nis Lawrence, Kyle Lequay, Na­dine Khan and MX Prime, are urg­ing peo­ple, ahead of tonight's char­i­ty foot­ball match at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo.

The match, la­belled 'Foot­ball For a Cause' kicks off at 7:30pm be­tween Team Hope and Team Re­lief, and will fea­ture some of the best foot­ballers ever to have graced the foot­ball field for T&T, as well as many top ath­letes in their re­spec­tive dis­ci­plines, such as crick­et, bas­ket­ball, rug­by, net­ball, ta­ble ten­nis, hock­ey, swim­ming and horse rac­ing, all in an ef­fort to pro­vide much need­ed as­sis­tance to thou­sands of peo­ple af­fect­ed by mas­sive flood­ing over the past week.

The coun­try's first Olympic Gold medal­list Hase­ly Craw­ford will at­tempt to roll back the years, not on the tracks but on the foot­ball field, along­side Rus­sell Lat­apy, cap­tain Lawrence, Staci Ann King (crick­et) and Aasan Lewis (rug­by) among oth­ers. They will be up against a star-stud­ded team that in­cludes Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice Gary Grif­fith, NAAAs pres­i­dent Ephraim Ser­rette, Aleena Ed­wards (ta­ble ten­nis) and Akim Tou­s­saint (hock­ey).

Lawrence said they have, on many oc­ca­sions, called on the pub­lic for sup­port for dif­fer­ent sport­ing events, but this time the call is for the peo­ple of T&T.

"When you look around and see what has hap­pened over the past cou­ple days, we need to pull to­geth­er and help our broth­er and sis­ters, and we need to do it in the most pos­i­tive way. So far the pos­i­tiv­i­ty has been bril­liant, so we need to con­tin­ue it," Lawrence said.

Carib Brew­ery, the main spon­sors of the event has agreed to do­nate 100 per cent of the pro­ceeds to­wards those af­fect­ed, while oth­er cor­po­rate part­ners such as Na­tion­al Lot­ter­ies Con­trol Board (NL­CB) etc will con­tribute in oth­er ways.

Lequay, an ex-man­ag­er of the coun­try's beach foot­ball team, al­so act­ing as a cor­po­rate part­ner, said the game is more of a pas­sion­ate ini­tia­tive, say­ing as soon as they were called to ac­tion, they act­ed im­me­di­ate­ly. "Not on­ly from the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty but peo­ple who are un­der­stand­ing of what's hap­pen­ing in T&T."

Lequay be­lieves tonight will be the cul­mi­na­tion of four days of plan­ning and will com­prise en­joy­able foot­ball, en­ter­tain­ment from var­i­ous so­ca and dub artists, and oth­er forms of ex­cite­ment for the pub­lic.

"Bring any­thing and help those in need," Lequay said.



Akim Tou­s­saint, Aleena Ed­wards, An­cil El­cock, An­tho­ny Wolfe, Arnold Dwari­ka, Clay­ton Ince, Clay­ton Mor­ris, Clint Mar­celle, Di­nanath Ram­nar­ine, Ephraim Ser­rette, Fiona Hold­er, Franz Hug­gins, Gary Glas­gow, Gary Grif­fith, Ja­nine Fran­cois, Jef­frey Har­ris, Jer­wyn Balt­haz­ar, Karyn Forbes, Keyeno Thomas, Kirth Davis, Lamani Clarke, Brent San­cho, Renice Boyce, Reynold Car­ring­ton, Rhea Bel­grave, Ron Alexan­der, Rus­sel Mon­roe, Stern John, Tasha St Louis, Tia Bruno, Ty­ronne Charles, Rayshawn Mars.


Aasan Lewis, Adaryll John, Ah­keela Mol­lon, Ani­ka Brice, Trevor Not­ting­ham, Cherelle Thomp­son, Cyd Gray, De­von Jorsling, Floyd Lawrence, Den­nis Lawrence, Hase­ly Craw­ford, Hud­son Charles, Joseph Quashie, Kelvon Charles, Ken­wyne Jones, Ker­ry Jamer­son, Kevin Ol­livier­ra, Kevon Coop­er, Lar­ry Joseph, Mar­vin Faustin, Mikhail Williams, Natasha St Louis, Leon­son Lewis, Pe­ter Granville, Ross Rus­sell, Rus­sell Lat­apy, Shawn Pouchet, Solomon Ec­cles, Staci Ann King, Sue Anne Cord­ner, An­tho­ny Streete.