
Fri, Jan


In an ef­fort to as­sist those fam­i­lies who were af­fect­ed by the floods dur­ing last month's un­usu­al rains from the se­vere weath­er con­di­tions which af­fect­ed over a thou­sand homes main­ly through flood­ing in south-east, east and cen­tral Trinidad, the for­mer Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment for Moru­ga/ Table­land Pe­ter Tay­lor will be stag­ing a char­i­ty foot­ball game through the Dal­ton Grant Acad­e­my on Sat­ur­day at the Gran Chemin Recre­ation Grounds, Moru­ga from 4 pm.

Tay­lor, an at­tor­ney at law, said the match will fea­ture for­mer Strike Squad and So­ca War­riors play­ers from over the years against foot­ballers from the com­mu­ni­ty of Moru­ga. The ob­jec­tive of the event is to bring re­lief to those af­fect­ed with­in Ma­yaro and sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ties.

The event is sup­port­ed by Len­nis "Stretch" Tyson, Miguel Me­chan­i­cal Ser­vices Lim­it­ed, Bet­ter Deal Su­per­mar­ket, Cadiz 5 Star Build­ing and Main­te­nance, Su­per Qual­i­ty, Princes Town Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion, Ken­ny's Sport Cen­tre, the street 91.9FM, Draw­ing Of­fice Plan Print­ers, Sing Chong Su­per­mar­ket, Ash­win Creed, Ray Al­varez, Ter­ry An­drews, Egon Em­brack, Christophe Ro­driguez and Vivek Lakhan Joseph

The Ex-na­tion­als team com­pris­es:

GOAL­KEEP­ERS - Michael Mau­rice, Clay­ton Ince, Kervin In­glis, Ross Rus­sell and Michael Mc Comie

DE­FEND­ERS - Clay­ton Mor­ris (C), An­sil El­cock, Brent San­cho, Keyeno Thomas, Bri­an Williams, Floyd Lawrence, Ker­ry Jamer­son, Wes­ley Webb, Adar­ryl John, and Keive Van­loo

MID­FIELD­ERS - Rus­sell Lat­apy, Hut­son Charles, Arnold Dwari­ka, Gary Glas­gow, Mar­vin Faustin, Rus­sell Mon­roe, Lar­ry Joseph, Travis Mul­raine, Lawrence George, and Sean Sa­landy

FOR­WARDS - Earl Jean, Ker­ry No­ray, Leon­son Lewis, Philbert Jones and Dar­ren Lewis

The host team is made up of the fol­low­ing:

MORU­GA XI: An­thon Quashie, Alexi Julien, Jef­fer­son George, Ian Granger, Glen­don 'Pe­tite' Phillip, Dwayne Charles, Dami­an Hamil­ton, Dil­lon Piper, Den­zil Gomez, Clifton 'Black­smith' Gomez, Alexan­der Bruno, Ter­rence Gene, Ker­von 'Sakalay' Williams, Tyrell Gabriel, Austin Ben­jamin and Gor­don Pierre. 

SOURCE: T&T Guardian