
Fri, Jan


Malachi Hazel of FC Gin­ga was named the "Most Valu­able Play­er" of the Con­cept Coach­ing Un­der-14 Youth Foot­ball Tour­na­ment "Car­ni­val Edi­tion" which end­ed on the week­end at Con­stan­tine Park in Ma­coya, Tu­na­puna.

Hazel played a ma­jor part in lead­ing his team to the youth ti­tle and on Sat­ur­day, Gin­ga de­feat­ed Hearts of Mal­oney, 5-1 in the fi­nal of the com­pe­ti­tion which played on each Sat­ur­day dur­ing the past month, start­ing on Feb­ru­ary 2. All match­es were played at the Ma­coya venue.

Aai­lyah Trim opened the scor­ing for Gin­ga as ear­ly as the eighth minute. Her team­mate Ronal­do Rogers, who lat­er won the "Gold­en Boot" award for most goals (7) scored in the tour­na­ment, put his team fur­ther ahead 2-0. The score re­mained un­changed at half time.

In the sec­ond half of the 60-minute match, cap­tain Phillip Tin­to man­aged to pull a goal back for Hearts of Mal­oney in the 41st to trail 2-1 but that did not slow the Gin­ga team as it kept at­tack­ing.

So much so that a minute lat­er, Gin­ga got its third item (42nd) which came off an own goal. Some 13 min­utes lat­er, Je­vaughn Drakes got his name on the score­sheet putting Gin­ga up, 4-1 with a goal in the 55th be­fore the win was sealed by Caleb Boyce with a 59th-minute item.

Ear­li­er in the bronze-medal match, Joshua Bat­son scored the win­ner for Iesous El Do­ra­do A team, who edged San­ta Cruz Unit­ed 1-0 to cap­ture the third place.

In oth­er awards hand­ed out in the tour­na­ment, which was spon­sored by Mal­ta Carib, Pres­tige Hold­ings, KFC and Aaron Thomas, the Coun­cil­lor for Cau­ra/Par­adise/Tacarigua, Jay­heim Blake (Gin­ga) emerged with "Best Goal-keep­er" award and the "Most Out­stand­ing Coach" award was pre­sent­ed Dwayne "Sha­ka" Brew­ster (Sha­ka FC).

Pre­sent­ing awards were for­mer FI­FA ref­er­ee and match com­mis­sion­er Glo­rick May­nard, Sergeant Kevin Mar­tin, Rox­anne McIn­tosh, the op­er­a­tions man­ag­er and as­sis­tant sec­re­tary Dana Joseph.


FC Gin­ga 5 (Aai­lyah Trim 8th, Ronal­do Rogers 27th, 42nd own goal, Je­vaughn Drakes 55th, Caleb Boyce 59th) vs Hearts of Mal­oney 1 (Phillip Tin­to 41st).

Third/fourth place

Iesous El Do­ra­do A 1 (Joshua Bat­son) vs San­ta Cruz Unit­ed 0

Ho­n­our roll

Gold­en Boot: Ronal­do Rogers (FC Gin­ga) - 7 goals

Most Valu­able Play­er: Malachi Hazel (FC Gin­ga)

Best Goal-keep­er: Jay­heim Blake (FC Gin­ga)

Most Out­stand­ing Coach: Dwayne "Sha­ka" Brew­ster (Sha­ka FC)


1 FC Gin­ga

2 Hearts of Mal­oney

3 Iesous El Do­ra­do A

Most Dis­ci­plined team: Tzion Gates Foot­ball Acad­e­my