
Sat, Feb


Domi­no’s Dom­i­na­tors and Cae­sar’s Army were the lone teams to end the 20-team round-robin stage of the 2019 White Oak Strict­ly FX Soc­cer 6s Cup at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo, with a 100 per cent win­ning records on Sun­day night.

Com­pet­ing in Pool C, Dom­i­na­tors fol­lowed up their 5-1 beat­ing of Jum­beez, where Isaah Lea­cock net­ted the com­pe­ti­tion’s first hat-trick and 3-1 win over The Reyes Bomb from Sat­ur­day’s open­ing day, by ham­mer­ing Pure 6-0 and Sweaters Unit­ed 5-1 to top their five-team pool with a max­i­mum 12 points, three ahead of Reyes Bomb, who de­feat­ed Jum­beez 3-1 and Pure 3-2 in their re­main­ing match­es.

They were joined in the quar­ter­fi­nals by White Oak and Cae­sar’s Army of Pool A, Net­Six and Chill and Punchy Punch from Pool B and Air Com­mit­tee and XO Night Life from Pool D.

In Pool A, Cae­sar’s Army won all four of their match­es as well, beat­ing White Oak 3-0 and Vas Lounge 4-2 to fin­ish on top ahead of Wild Goose, who end­ed with six points from two wins and two de­feats but with a bet­ter goal-dif­fer­ence af­ter a 3-0 tri­umph in their de­cider.

Net­Six and Chill stormed to the top of Pool B ahead of Punchy Punch and last year’s run­ners-up Dig­ini­tariez on goal-dif­fer­ence as well, af­ter blast­ing Tribe 9-0 and Dig­ni­tariez 3-2.

The pair of Punchy Punch and Dig­ni­tariez had start­ed the day in prime po­si­tions to ad­vance with six points each. How­ev­er, Punchy Punch’s 5-3 win over Bagal­i­to was good enough to make up for their nar­row 2-1 loss to Dig­ni­tariez and take sec­ond spot by virtue of a bet­ter goal dif­fer­ence as well.

And in Pool D, XO Night Life sneaked ahead of their ri­vals to grab first place with ten points af­ter ek­ing out a 2-0 win against Red Ants and a 1-0 win over pre­vi­ous­ly un­beat­en Air Com­mit­tee, who slipped to sec­ond af­ter whip­ping Stick­erz In­ter­na­tion­al in their oth­er match.

In the quar­ter­fi­nals yes­ter­day, Cae­sar’s Army faced Net­Six and Chill, Domi­nos Dom­i­na­tors came up against Air Com­mit­tee, Punchy Punch bat­tled Wild Goose, and XO Night Life faced The Reyes Bomb.

The win­ners of the tour­na­ment, which end­ed last night, will col­lect $10,000 cash and $10,000 in ser­vices from SFX.


A: Cae­sar’s Army, Vas Lounge, Il­lu­sions FC, White Oak, Wild Goose

B: Bagal­i­to En­ter­tain­ment, Punchy Punch, Net­Six and Chill, Tribe, Dig­ni­tariez

C: Domi­no’s Dom­i­na­tors, Pure, Jum­beez, The Reyes Bomb, Sweaters Unit­ed

D: Air Com­mit­tee, Stick­erz In­ter­na­tion­al, Red Ants, XO, En­tice

Sat­ur­day’s Re­sults

Field One

Cae­sar’s Army 1 vs Il­lu­sion FC 0

Domi­no’s Dom­i­na­tors 5 vs Jum­beez 1

White Oak 1 vs Vas Lounge 0

Pure 2 vs Sweater Unit­ed 0

Cae­sar’s Army 3 vs Wild Goose FC 1

Domi­no’s Dom­i­na­tors 3 vs The Reyes Bomb 1

Il­lu­sion FC 2 vs Vas Lounge 0

Jum­beez 4 vs Pure 3

Wild Goose FC 2 vs White Oak 0

The Reyes Bomb 3 vs Sweaters Unit­ed 1

Field Two

Net­Six and Chill 3 vs Bagal­i­to En­ter­tain­ment 1

Air Com­mit­tee 2 vs Red Ants 1

Punchy Punch 5 vs Tribe 0

XO 4 vs Stick­erz In­ter­na­tion­al 2

Bagal­i­to En­ter­tain­ment 2 vs Dig­ni­tariez 2 - Dig­ni­tariez won 1-0 on sud­den-death penal­ty-kicks

Air Com­mit­tee 6 vs En­tice 1

Punchy Punch 4 vs Net­Six and Chill 1

Red Ants 6 vs Stick­erz In­ter­na­tion­al 2

Dig­ni­tariez 7 vs Tribe 0

XO 2 vs En­tice 2 - En­tice won 2-1 on sud­den-death penal­ty-kicks

Sun­day’s Match­es

Field One

Vas Lounge 2 vs Wild Goose FC 1

Pure 2 vs The Reyes Bomb 3

Cae­sar’s Army 3 vs White Oak 0

Domi­no’s Dom­i­na­tors 5 vs Sweaters Unit­ed 1

Il­lu­sions FC 0 vs Wild Goose FC 2

Jum­beez 1 vs The Reyes Bomb 3

Cae­sar’s Army 4 vs Vas Lounge 2

Domi­no’s Dom­i­na­tors 6 vs Pure 0

Il­lu­sions FC 0 vs White Oak 6

Jum­beez 2 vs Sweaters Unit­ed 3

Field Two

Punchy Punch 1 vs Dig­ni­tariez 2

Stick­erz In­ter­na­tion­al 0 vs En­tice 3

Bagal­i­to En­ter­tain­ment 3 vs Tribe 1

Air Com­mit­tee 0 vs XO 1

Net­Six and Chill 3 vs Dig­ni­tariez 2

Red Ants 1 vs En­tice 1 – En­tice won 1-0 on sud­den-death penal­ty strokes

Bagal­i­to En­ter­tain­ment 3 vs Punchy Punch 5

Air Com­mit­tee 3 vs Stick­erz In­ter­na­tion­al 0

Net­Six and Chill 6 vs Tribe 0

Red Ants 0 vs XO 2