
Fri, Feb


Goal­keep­er Ke­ston Guy was the toast of his T&T De­fence Force 1st En­gi­neer­ing Bat­tal­ion team-mates af­ter he made a save in the penal­ty shoot-out to earn his team 5-4 win over favourites Scor­pi­on FC. The teams bat­tled to a 2-2 draw in reg­u­la­tion time in the BPTT Care­nage All-Star Foot­ball 'Big-Eight' fi­nal which was host­ed by Freinds and Fam­i­ly at the Haig Street Recre­ation Ground, Care­nage on Sat­ur­day night.

Watched by a large crowd which in­clud­ed Prime Min­is­ter Dr Kei­th Row­ley and Com­mis­sion­er of Po­lice, Gary Grif­fith, Scor­pi­on looked set to take home the $15,000 win­ners first prize when Shaquille Long scored mid­way through the first half, and then with a gem of a right-foot­ed free-kick ear­ly in the sec­ond pe­ri­od for a 2-0 lead.

How­ev­er, 1st En­gi­neer­ing Bat­tal­ion play­ers nev­er dropped their heads and got back in­to the con­test via Dil­lion Charles, fol­lowed by a penal­ty con­ver­sion from Kendes Gar­cia to send the match to penal­ties, where Guy saved Long's third at­tempt to se­cure his team the top prize.

As run­ners-up, Scor­pi­on FC which wast­ed no few­er than five clear cut chances had to set­tle for $8,000 run­ners-up cheque.

Last month in the semi­fi­nals, Scor­pi­on used a dou­ble from Ty­rone Charles, and one from Long to get past One Unit­ed 3-2, with Corneal Thomas and Jameel Nep­tune on tar­get for the lat­ter while Kevin Ca­pri­eta net­ted the lone item to earn 1st En­gi­neer­ing Bat­tal­ion a 1-0 tri­umph against Emer­ald FC. One Unit­ed de­feat­ed Emer­ald 2-0 for third place in the league.

Among the oth­er guest were for­mer na­tion­al de­fend­ers Kelvin Jones and Mar­vin Faustin, his wife Cindy-Ann Faustin, Coun­cil­lor Pt Cumana/Ch­aguara­mas Ak­i­lah Glas­gow, Deputy Per­ma­nent Sec­re­tary, Min­istry of Sports and Youth Af­fairs, Denise Ar­naud, and mas­ter of cer­e­monies, Kevon Williams.

Sat­ur­day's Re­sults

Big-Eight Fi­nal: Scor­pi­on FC 2 (Shaquille Long 2) vs T&T De­fence Force 1st En­gi­neer­ing Bat­tal­ion 2 (Dil­lon Charles, Kendes Gar­cia pen) - 1st En­gi­neer­ing Bat­tal­ion won 5-4 on penal­ty-kicks

2019 Ho­n­our Roll

Big-Eight League: 1st. T&T De­fence Force 1st En­gi­neer­ing Bat­tal­ion, 2nd. Scor­pi­on FC; 3rd. One Unit­ed, 4.Emer­ald FC

Stan­ley Gomez Knock­out: 1st. Big Yard. 2nd. 13 Posse FC.

Best Goal­keep­er: Jesse Pe­ters (Scor­pi­on FC)

Stan­ley Gomez Knock­out MVP: Che Ben­ny (Big Yard)

League MVP: Michael De Fre­itas (One Unit­ed)

Most Goals: Ker­ry Bap­tiste (13 Posse FC) - 10 goals

Most Dis­ci­pline Team: Care­nage Role Mod­els

Goal of the Sea­son: Mic­ah Lan­siquot (Mt Pleas­ant)

Spir­it of the League: Green Pas­tures

Jo­evin Jones Most Promis­ing Play­er: Eli­jah Seechan (Care­nage Role Mod­els)

Man­ag­er of the Tour­na­ment: Ki­no Castil­lo (T&T De­fence Force 1st En­gi­neer­ing Bat­tal­ion).