
Fri, Jan


Cau­tion Foot­ball Club was crowned dou­ble cham­pi­ons of the BPTT Raza­ck Jan Memo­r­i­al Ma­yaro Foot­ball League when it cap­tured the knock­out tro­phy to add to their league ti­tle in a keen­ly-con­test­ed fi­nal at the Or­toire Recre­ation Ground last Sat­ur­day.

Trail­ing 2-0 to a ram­pant Maguaya Unit­ed FC in the first half, Cau­tion FC dom­i­nat­ed the sec­ond pe­ri­od to score three unan­swered goals to cap­ture the Knock­out crown and cash prize of $5,000.

Ar­chi­tects of Cau­tion FC’s stel­lar sea­son, man­ag­er/play­er Dami­an Williams and coach/play­er Edean­ho Pierre, both cred­it­ed the team’s suc­cess to hard work and per­son­al sac­ri­fices by the play­ers.

"We have been im­prov­ing as a team since we joined the league about five years ago. It has been hard work and sac­ri­fice and we are now reap­ing the re­wards as a club. As part of this league, we are very grate­ful for the sup­port by BPTT in pro­vid­ing this av­enue for the youths," said Pierre, Williams nod­ding in agree­ment.

Cau­tion FC who cap­tured the league ti­tle ear­li­er in the month took home the cham­pi­onship tro­phy and a fur­ther $10,000 at the prize dis­tri­b­u­tion cer­e­mo­ny which fol­lowed the knock­out fi­nal.

Maguaya Unit­ed dom­i­nat­ed the youth di­vi­sions, cap­tur­ing both the Un­der-15 and U-17 ti­tles, tak­ing home cheques of $5,000 for each vic­to­ry. They were run­ners-up in both the knock­out and league com­pe­ti­tions in the se­nior di­vi­sion. The club al­so field­ed three teams in the U-13 di­vi­sion where all five teams were award­ed $1,000 each from a de­vel­op­ment fund.

The BPTT Ma­yaro Foot­ball League, named af­ter late sports ad­min­is­tra­tor and com­mu­ni­ty work­er Raza­ck Jan, is fa­cil­i­tat­ed by the All-Ma­yaro Sports Foun­da­tion (AMSF) and ad­min­is­tered by Il­lu­sions In­ter­na­tion­al Sports Club. The league is run in four di­vi­sions: U-13, U-15, U-17 and Se­nior.

Matthew Pierre, Com­mu­ni­ty Li­ai­son Of­fi­cer, BPTT, thanked the or­gan­is­ers for com­plet­ing a suc­cess­ful sea­son with a to­tal of 20 teams par­tic­i­pat­ing.

"We are very hap­py that this league can boast of three youth di­vi­sions, which au­gurs well for the sus­tain­abil­i­ty of foot­ball in Ma­yaro," Pierre said.

AMSF pres­i­dent Bartholomew Lynch said com­pe­ti­tion in the var­i­ous di­vi­sions was very keen with a high stan­dard of play.

"This league is a nurs­ery for sev­er­al of our na­tion­al play­ers and our part­ner­ship with BPTT is pro­vid­ing a cat­a­lyst for the con­tin­ued de­vel­op­ment of foot­ball in the south-east­ern com­mu­ni­ties, not for­get­ting the build­ing of com­mu­ni­ty spir­it among the peo­ple," Lynch point­ed out.

Ho­n­our roll

Se­nior Di­vi­sion

League: 1 Cau­tion FC, 2 Maguaya Unit­ed, 3 Seed of Great­ness FC

Knock-Out: 1 Cau­tion FC, 2 Maguaya Unit­ed

MVP: Vic­tor Wait­he

Best Goal­keep­er: Ja­marie War­rick

Play­er with Most As­sists: Der­rick Ali

Most Goals: Deron Lewis

Most Dis­ci­plined Team: RL­RA Des­tiny Youths

U-17 Di­vi­sion

League: 1 Maguaya Unit­ed, 2 SP Boyz, 3 New­lands War­riors

MVP: Mick­el Morales

Best Goal­keep­er: Quin­dell Lazar

Play­er with Most As­sists: Nathaniel Bel­con

Most Goals: Mar­cus Green­way

U-15 Di­vi­sion

League: 1 Maguaya Unit­ed, 2 Ste Madeleine Strik­ers FC, 3 SP Boys FC

MVP: Kyrise Fron­tin

Best Goal­keep­er: Mekkel Phillip

Play­er with Most As­sists: Tevin Pan­tor

Most Goals: Omarie Camp­bell


U-13 Di­vi­sion

De­vel­op­ment Fund Award Re­cip­i­ents: Mafek­ing Unit­ed, Maguaya Unit­ed A, Maguaya Unit­ed B, Maguaya Unit­ed C, SP Boyz.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian