
Fri, Feb


A num­ber of ex-na­tion­al play­ers will be on show when St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege hosts a three-team tour­na­ment for their fall­en for­mer team­mate Michael McComie, who died ear­li­er last year, at the Diego Mar­tin Sport­ing Com­plex from 6 pm on Sat­ur­day.

The teams McComie played for dur­ing his hey­days - St Au­gus­tine Sec­ondary, St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege and a se­lect team of past na­tion­al play­ers, in­clud­ing Clay­ton Mor­ris, Ter­ry ‘Jug­head’ St Louis, Mar­vin Gol­lop, An­gus Eve, Alvin Bois­son, An­cil El­cock and Ker­win Fran­cois, will clash in a se­ries of match­es to ho­n­our a man who was con­sid­ered one of coun­try’s bet­ter goal­keep­ers.

McComie, who died last year from a tu­mour in the brain, will be re­mem­bered for his hero­ics be­tween the goal­posts for both the ‘Green Ma­chine’ of St Au­gus­tine and the ‘Tigers’ of St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege, be­fore he went on to rep­re­sent the T&T Un­der-20 team at the Youth World Cup in Por­tu­gal, se­nior team and lo­cal clubs San Juan Jabloteh, Joe Pub­lic, Ma Pau Stars, Guaya Unit­ed and FC Mara­cas.

Play­ers at the tour­na­ment will al­so re­mem­ber Christo­pher Mootoo, an­oth­er for­mer St An­tho­ny’s Col­lege goal­keep­er from the ear­ly 1990s who died on De­cem­ber 11 from the H1n1 Virus.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian