
Sun, Jul

Two young footballers from Moruga will be afforded the opportunity to earn professional contracts with Joe Public Football Club and others can expect the opportunity to show off their abilities at a newly set up League on better playing fields in the area in the not too distant future.

These were the revelations coming out of a visit to the area by FIFA Vice President Jack Warner following an invitation to him by the Princes Town Regional Corporation (PTRC) which hosted celebrations to commemorate the arrival of Christopher Columbus on the Moruga beach (in 1492) on Tuesday. The PTRC in collaboration with the Moruga 500 committee along with hosting the reenactment of Columbus' coming and Emancipation celebrations, also organized a boat race in which the top three winners took away cash prize totaling $6,000 courtesy of Warner.

But aside from Warner being the chief guest at Tuesday's events, he also relayed to PTRC chairman of infrastructure committee Clifton De Coteau that it was his intentions to fund a league in the area and to upgrade the football grounds in the area.

"This area might seem far too many but it's never to far to unearth new talent and it must start with better opportunities for those living in places like these," Warner said.

"You must start with better facilities, better coaching and better leagues and I will contribute in that way once the people of the area can organize some of it. I will try to make better opportunities for them because there are lots of eager persons in areas like these who must not be forgotten or left behind because of where they come from," added Warner who extended the invitation for two players from the area who might be attached either to one of the existing clubs or schools to attend a training stint at Joe Public.

"And this extends to Princes Town as well because I can assure you once the authorities can fix the Yolande Pompey Park, then I shall sponsor a League there as well," Warner continued.

De Coteau was all ears to Warner's words and promised to oversee arrangements to ensure the developments come through.

"We want create better opportunities for the people and Mr Warner has come forward to help us in our causes. We look forward to improving the conditions in the area and we will work together with him towards positive developments in these areas. With regards to today's activities we saw the need to collaborate both the emancipation celebrations and the arrival of Columbus," De Coteau added.