
Tue, Jun


House of Dread has won its appeal against the decision of the Eastern Football Association’s (EFA).

On November 25, the CEFA’s disciplinary committee enquired into House of Dread’s defaulted match against WASA Clean and White.

House of Dread had called the association’s secretary Neville Ferguson and, subsequently, the association’s vice president, Vernon Bain, requesting the postponement of the schedule fixture against WASA Clean and White, because the club was involved in a match in a minor league competition and that it was virtually assured of capturing the Emerald Apartments and Plaza Eastern Football Association League title.

The club hinted that the match would be defaulted.

Both Ferguson and Bain refused to entertain the request and the club was instructed to play the scheduled match.

The reasons given were:

1. The match schedule was in House of Dread’s possession long in advance.

2. The default will mean that WASA Clean and White will not have an opportunity to overtake House of Dread for league honours.

3. A default will mean that T&T Coast Guard will be placed no higher than third at the end of the final round.

The disciplinary committee deliberated on the matter and unanimously agreed that:

1. House of Dread defaulted the match to participate in the minor League because the Club had been virtually assured of winning the Emerald Apartments and Plaza League competition.

2. The Club had played the match in the minor league to capture the prize money of $20,000, as stated by Spencer.

3. That the Club’s action had brought the EFA into disrepute.

4. That the Club had willfully neglected the instructions given to Spencer by Ferguson and Bain.

The decision meant that House of Dread would receive the following sanctions:

1. The match be awarded to WASA Clean and White with a 3-0 score.

2. Three additional points be deducted from their House of Dread tally of points.

3. That the club be fined the sum of $4,500, such sum to be paid to the EFA on or before December 16.

House of Dread was cleared of any wrongdoing following its appeal.