
Tue, Jul


AVOCAT UNITED third in both the league and Big 4 series, returned to form to grab the Knockout title in the Fyzabad Community Football League.

At the Fyzabad Recreation ground, on Sunday last, the Avocat men whipped Big 4 winners Fyzabad United 6-3 in a thrill-packed final watched by a crowd which included Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation vice-president Rudolph Thomas, who is also president of the Southern Football Association.

Later, league convenor and secretary Andre Bernard described the season as “a huge success,” not only because of the high standard of football and fairplay, but because the league managed to secure the sponsorship of Tiger Tanks Trinidad Unlimited in the sum of $25,000. Bernard expressed his gratitude to the sponsors, especially as they came aboard at a time when the country was experiencing tough economic conditions.

League winners Gons collected a cheque for $5,000 and a trophy and set of gold medals while runners-up New Comers received silver medals and $3,000, with Avocat United getting $2,000 and bronze medals for third. Fyzabad United collected the fourth prize of $1,000.

For winning the Big 4, Fyzabad United got a trophy and $1,000 with runners-up Gons receiving $800, third Avocat United $600 and fourth New Comers $400.

And for winning the knockout series, Avocat United collected $2,500 and a trophy while runners-up Fyzabad United received $1,000.