
Thu, Jul


The Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF) Champion of Champions competition will not kick off today as scheduled after Central Zone football club Strugglers filed a court order to stop the tournament.

Strugglers, according to the Central Football Association (CFA), finished third in the 2009 season, but are discontented with the CFA’s handling of two of their protests.

The CFA awarded Predators FC and Leeds United wins by default against Strugglers after they questioned the registration of two of their players. Leeds United went on to win the League and Knockout titles while UTT, Strugglers and predators finished second, third and fourth respectively.

A source close to Strugglers explained yesterday that the team would have won the league if those six points were not taken from them. It was also noted that Strugglers did not receive copies of the protests.

Meanwhile, the TTFF’s legal advisor Om Lalla ruled that the CFA will be given 14 days to put their house in order and until then no Champion of Champions matches will be played.

The TTFF also stated that if the CFA can not decide on a winner, the Champion of Champions will proceed without a representative from the CFA. The CFA Disciplinary Commit-tee will hold a meeting on Monday at 6:30 pm to try to resolve the matter and prevent the tarnishing of the image of football in central.

Strugglers’ legal action will be heard before the courts on January 26.

The source revealed that the Strugglers FC management and players are very dissatisfied with how the CFA has treated them. It was revealed however, that despite their disappointment they will continue playing in the Central Zone, regardless of the outcome.

He noted that the league officially has been over for close to a month yet teams have yet to receive the final standings.

“People don’t know yet who has won the league,” he said.

A source from another Central Zone club who wished not to be identified noted that clubs in Central are generally unhappy with the executive.

He cited a match in the 2008 season between Leeds United and Strugglers which was embroiled in controversy as Strugglers lost the match by default.

He noted there have been several incidents in the past which has not gone down well with the clubs.

“For the betterment of the league, the administration have to go,” he said, “ the league has been run very poorly,” he added.