
Thu, Jul


Utility giants, T&T Electricity Commission (T&TEC) won the first edition of the SW Touring Team’s Six-a-Side “Fete Match Saturdays” football tournament held at the Larry Gomes Stadium, Malabar on Saturday. Under blistering sunny weather, the “Electrcity Boys” powered past Malabar Stars, 3-1, to claim the cash prize of $5,000 and round one bragging rights.

Commenting on the first leg of the seven part competition which attracted 18 teams inclusive of corporate, entertainment, protective services, community, and clubs, Geoffrey Edwards, events manager of SW Touring Team said, “The first leg of this seven series football competition far exceeded our expectations.” “Football’s unique potential to unite people was evident during the day’s proceedings. A true community spirit was felt and this will definitely be the mandate of the organisers for the rest of the tournaments to be held once a month for the remainder of the year,” he added.

Looking ahead to the six other editions of the competition, Edwards said: “We intend to add new dimensions to each leg and improve on our event management output.” Special thanks was also given to sponsors, KFC, Coca-Cola, Dasani, Red Bull, Ultra Malt, Dixee, Damascus International and the Sport Company of T&T (SporTT) for making this event a success. The tournament continues on April 10 at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucrapo.

For more info contact
Edwards at 765-4439 or
Melissa Charles at 686-3350 or