
Fri, Jan

TTSL told to produce by-laws.

It’s now a patient wait for clubs in the T&T Super League (TTSL) to know their fate on whether approval will be granted by the parent, T&T Football Association, for them to run the super league this year.

A starting date of June 11 has already been set for kick-off but some officials of TTSL are surprised by the delay, which they described as unnecessary. At a meeting between the parties (TTFA/TTSL) at the TTFA office at the Hasely Crawford Stadium, Mucurapo on Wednesday night, the TTSL was told to produce their by-laws, this after they were initially asked to produce their constitution.

Yesterday, Keith Look Loy, the TTSL’s interim president said his association has agreed to abide by the procedures of the TTFA, but noted their constitution is merely the same as everyone else, including the six Regional Associations (Eastern Football Association- EFA, NFA, SFA, CFA, Tobago Football Association- TFA and the Eastern Counties Football Union-ECFU, Women’s Football and T&T Pro League etc.

His hopes that the TTSL Constitution would have been approved at TTFA’s statutory Board meeting on 15 February was dashed following a release by the TTFA on Tuesday that outlined a lengthy procedure that had to be taken before approval can be granted to the TTSL as a member. And on Wednesday night the TTFA stated this procedure may be further affected by the coming Carnival activities, as well as other personal agendas by its members.

The TTSL has since given a date of mid March for a resolution and gave a commitment that its by-laws will be submitted shortly.

Look Loy, who has spent his entire life in the sport from player, coach, manager and now FIFA official, said he could not understand why the tedious process in granting approval to a league that will enhance the quality of football in T&T all-round. “In fact I do not believe that the actual management of the TTFA should decide on whether the TTSL should be accepted as a member or not, but rather the general membership. “And this decision should be taken at one of the football association’s general meetings” the official said.

Guardian Media Sports understands that there are concerns the TTSL, which produces a high level of competition in both its Premiership and Championship divisions can rival the T&T Pro League. Look Loy, the coach and president of Super League champs Sports and Games Santa Rosa FC has made it clear he wants a speedy and amicable resolution to their issues, saying the interim committee of the TTSL has gone ahead with its search for sponsorships of the league and wanted both the TTSL and the TTFA to work togerther for the betterment of the sport in T&T.