
Fri, Feb


The Trinidad and Tobago Super League is pleased to announce its collaboration with Data Sports Group (DSG) to provide statistical data on the League, its clubs and players on a global platform.

Based in Berlin, Germany, Data Sports Group is a one stop provider for sports data feeds with a comprehensive blend of live & historical data. Its coverage team follows thousands of events each year across over a dozen sports, with equal attention to the world’s biggest and smallest leagues. DSG provides all of the same coverage of the world’s most popular sports leagues that fans are accustomed to, but also strives to excel where other data companies tend to falter.

By employing experts with local knowledge, the company has made a commitment to providing comprehensive coverage of leagues that have historically not received the attention from companies more focused on financial gains. To make this coverage possible, DSG now has employees in cities and countries spread across four continents with collaborators in just about every corner of the globe.

DSG is already including TTSL scores on their website (Global Sports Archive) alongside coverage of the 2018 FIFA World Cup and major global leagues, such as the EPL, La Liga, etc. DSG’s coverage of TTSL may be seen by copying and pasting the following link into your browser):

Thereafter, click on any match to access the relevant match data. You can also access club data and/or data on any individual player by clicking on a club’s icon.

This new development provides TTSL with global visibility and is a major step forward in the global marketing of the Super League.