
Fri, Jan


Al­ready out of con­tention to re­tain its knock­out ti­tle, reign­ing T&T Su­per League cham­pi­ons, Guaya Unit­ed bid for a sec­ond straight league crown suf­fered a blow off the field on Tues­day.

This af­ter the Dis­ci­pli­nary Com­mit­tee of the Su­per League took a de­ci­sion to deduct three points from Guaya Unit­ed as well as Met­al X Erin FC for not field­ing a youth team in any com­pe­ti­tion this sea­son.

Ear­li­er dur­ing the cam­paign, the Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T (UTT) suf­fered the same out­come.

With the three points tak­en away, Guaya Unit­ed dropped from third on the ta­ble and five points be­hind joint lead­ers FC San­ta Rosa and Queen's Park Crick­et Club to fifth spot and an ad­di­tion­al three points back as well.

The points de­duc­tion could al­so prove detri­men­tal to Erin FC at the end of the sea­son as it slipped to sec­ond from bot­tom with sev­en points, lev­el with cel­lar-placed Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed in the bat­tle to avoid rel­e­ga­tion.

Prison Ser­vice, mean­while was al­so award­ed three points for their up­com­ing clash with RSSR FC af­ter the lat­ter failed to in­form league of­fi­cials at a con­ve­nient time, the venue of their match which was card­ed for Sun­day.

How­ev­er, that de­ci­sion was then re­scind­ed by Pres­i­dent of the T&T Su­per Kei­th Look Loy at the match will now take place on Sun­day at Dibe Recre­ation Ground, Long Cir­cu­lar, St James from 4pm.