
Fri, Jan


De­von Mod­este helped him­self to a hat-trick of goals when Queen's Park Crick­et Club rout­ed Pe­tit Val­ley­Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed 7-0 to re­main in a two-way bat­tle with FC San­ta Rosa for the T&T Su­per League crown on Sun­day.

With San­ta Rosa win­ning 2-1 away to de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons Guaya Unit­ed on Sat­ur­day, the pres­sure was on the Parkites to re­spond at that they did in grand style at St Mary's Col­lege Ground, Ser­pen­tine Road, St Clair with Mod­este on tar­get as ear­ly as the eighth minute be­fore he added two more items in the 39th and 45th to com­plete his tre­ble.

Na­tion­al mid­field­er Sean De Sil­va (38th) and Ke­ston George (43rd) al­so net­ted for Queen's Park in the first half against the league's cel­lar-placed team while Kern Gar­diner got the lone sec­ond-half item in the 80th.

The win lift­ed QPCC to 37 points from 16 match­es, the same as San­ta Rosa.

How­ev­er, San­ta Rosa has a su­pe­ri­or goal dif­fer­ence of plus-29 to QPCC's plus-25 to sit atop the 14-club stand­ings

Prison Ser­vice is now in the third spot, sev­en points adrift of the top two af­ter a come-from-be­hind 3-1 tri­umph over RSSR FC at Dibe Recre­ation Ground, Long Cir­cu­lar, St James.

Hakim Gul­ston had giv­en RSSR the lead in the eighth minute, but Ky­lon Gray drew Prison Ser­vice lev­el in the 24th from the penal­ty-spot be­fore Shane Hospedales (64th) and Aaron Pe­ters (85th) added sec­ond-half items to snatch all three points for the vis­i­tors.

Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed is fourth with 28 points thanks to a dou­ble from Steven Stoute ina 4-2 beat­ing of Met­al X Erin FC.

Stoute found the back of the net in the 24th and 53rd to twice put his team ahead while Bren­don Figuera and Joel Hoyte got sec­ond-half strikes to help can­cel of Dez Jones, dou­ble for Erin FC.

In the oth­er match­es on Sun­day, Bethel Unit­ed stunned Cunu­pia FC 2-1 and Po­lice FC held off San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants 4-3.

Sun­day's Re­sults

Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed 4 (Steven Stoute 24th, 53rd, Bren­don Figuera 57th, Joel Hoyte 62nd) vs Erin FC 2 (Dez Jones 25th, 75th)

Bethel Unit­ed 2 (Kem­ron George 13th o.g, Nko­sei Chance 78th) vs Cunu­pia FC 1 (Ha­keem Legall 24th)

Po­lice FC 4 (Joshua Leach 7th, 43rd, Akiel Phillip 30th, Col­in Williams 57th) vs San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants 3 (Karim Gib­son 72nd, 88th, Dar­ron Alex­is 88th pen)

QPCC 7 (De­von Mod­este 8th, 39th, 45th, Jared Ben­nett 27th, Sean De Sil­va 38th, Ke­ston George 43rd, Kern Gar­diner 80th) vs Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed 0

Prison Ser­vice 3 (Ky­lon Gay 24th pen, Shane Hospedales 64th, Aaron Pe­ters 85th) vs RSSR FC 1 (Hakim Gul­ston 8th)

Su­per League Top scorers:

15 - Kevon Wood­ley (Cunu­pia FC)

11 - Sean De Sil­va (QPCC)

10 - Car­lon Hugh­es (Guaya), Nathan Julien (Prison Ser­vice)

9 – Kheelon Mitchell (San­ta Rosa), Ja­son Boodram (Po­lice FC)