
Fri, Feb


Hail Prison Ser­vice FC, the new cham­pi­ons of the Ter­minix T&T Su­per League.

On Sun­day, the Prison of­fi­cers, in their fi­nal match of the sea­son, played to a 2-2 tie with Po­lice FC in a bat­tle of the Ser­vice­men to race to an unas­sail­able 29 points.

Af­ter lead­ing the stand­ings for most of the sea­son, the Prison of­fi­cers thought they were off to an­oth­er win when Ri­car­do Al­leyne hand­ed them the ad­van­tage in the 19th minute of play.

How­ev­er, Keron Clarke, the for­mer FC San­ta Rosa strik­er, lev­elled the scores for the Law­men in the 35th minute, be­fore Adri­an Noel sent them ahead for the first time in the match with his item in the 62nd minute.

But with the match head­ing for a Po­lice win, Nathan Julien saved the Prison of­fi­cers’ blush­es with an 87th-minute goal for a share of the points, thus en­sur­ing that the bot­tles of cham­pagne they took to cel­e­brate were used for that pur­pose.

Mean­while, Bethel Unit­ed se­cured sec­ond al­though their en­counter with Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed did not play as sched­uled yes­ter­day due to a wa­ter­logged ground. The To­bag­o­ni­ans have 25 points with one game in hand.

Po­lice FC, who have now played their al­lot­ment of match­es, have se­cured the third-place po­si­tion with 23 points.


UTT 4 (War­ren Chase 41st, Ke­vaughn Con­nell 50th, Dil­lon Batholomew 57th, Isa­iah Mei­jias 64th) v QPCC 0

PRISON SER­VICE FC 2 (Ri­car­do Al­leyne 19th, Nathan Julien 87th) v PO­LICE 2 (Keron Clarke 35th, Adri­an Noel 62nd)

RSSR 8 (Os­aze Springer 10th, 21st, 23rd, 29th, Hakim Gul­ston 35th, Ker­ron Mitchell 55th, Corey Isaac 62nd, Je­re­mi­ah God­dard 76th) v CLUB SAN­DO UP­RIS­ING YOUTHS 6 (Sylvester Tees­dale 65th, Ron­dell Phillip 72nd, An­dre Et­ti­enne 75th, Isa­iah Mc In­tosh 79th, 88th, An­der­son Mor­ri­son 90+2)

Cur­rent Stand­ings

1*Pris­ons Ser­vice F.C*12*9*2*1*39*13*26*29
2*Bethel Unit­ed F.C*11*8*1*2*26*17*9*25
3*Po­lice F.C*12*6*5*1*27*13*14*23
5*San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants*11*6*0*5*17*13*4*18
6*Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed F.C*11*6*0*5*22*24*-2*18
7*Club San­do Up­ris­ing Youths*12*5*3*4*30*35*-5*18
9*R.S.S.R. F.C*12*4*1*7*19*40*-21*13
10*F.C. San­ta Rosa*11*3*1*7*19*25*-6*10
11*Met­al X Erin F.C*11*2*3*6*18*15*3*9
12*Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed*11*2*2*7*13*34*-21*8
13*Guaya Unit­ed F.C*11*0*4*7*13*27*-14*4