
Fri, Jan

Trinidad and Tobago Super League  First Vice President Jameson Rigues

For the second time in nine months, football's general membership will be called upon to decide on the way forward in local football.

First, the T&T Football Association's (TTFA) general membership was needed to chart a way forward in the midst of a heated battle between the sport's world governing body, FIFA, and the TTFA being led by William Wallace, which subsequently resulted in the TTFA bein suspended from FIFA until further notice.

Now, the membership of the T&T Super League (TTSL) is being summoned to a meeting to decide on whether Jameson Rigues, the TTSL's First vice president will be the person to take over the leadership of the organisation, following the resignation of its president Keith Look Loy on October 16. The meeting was called by Rigues, who to date, appears not to have been accepted by the Board of Directors of the TTSL, as the person to take over the reigns of the organisation.

Immediately after the submission of the resignation letter, the board took a decision to ask Look Loy to stay on until the next Annual General Meeting (AGM), which Guardian Media Sports was told is likely to be in December. However, although Look Loy, the controversial TTFA member who was caught smack in the centre of the TTFA vs FIFA dispute, rejected the call for his return, the Board appears to be making a second call for the former president to stay on.

Rigues is now pointing the membership to Article 39.7 of the Constitution that would put him in charge. A release sent out yesterday from Rigues, states: "In keeping with the TTSL Constitution, Article 39.7, in my capacity as First Vice-President, I have assumed the responsibilities of President of the TTSL with immediate effect, with the resignation of Mr. Keith Look Loy.

The TTSL Constitution, Article 39.7 - If the position of the President becomes vacant, the First Vice-President shall assume the President's responsibilities until the next General Meeting. This General Meeting shall elect a new President for the remaining period of office."

He noted further: "I wish to put on record my humble view and stated position that any such decision of recall or non-acceptance of the resignation of the President should have been brought to you the membership for any such consideration. Having accepted the duties and responsibilities of the TTSL presidency, I wish to personally invite you, each member of the TTSL to contact me directly with any and all matters you consider important to your Organization and the TTSL which I shall properly review."

One Board member who spoke on condition of anonymity on Wednesday said he is unsure of what the problem is with Rigues, since he is currently holding the position of interim president. The member, from of the top eight TTSL club, said he is unsure whether the Board could have opted to call on Look Loy to return when instead of following exactly what the constitution says, but he believes they should. He made it clear however that the membership will have the final say.

He told Guardian Media Sports that Rigues was among the Board meeting which decided on a recall of Look Loy.

Rigues said in spite of the constitutional breach he will not consider legal action, as T&T football needs to take a break from court matters now, in light of the recent legal battle between the TTFA and the FIFA.

However, he is promising members that if he is elected president at the AGM he will be president for all of the TTSL and not some. "I also intend for the organisation to be transparent always, the organisation must be a democratic and unbiased organisation. I personally would like to work to ensure the organisation is more advanced and more competitive," Rigues said.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian