
Fri, Jan

Jameson Rigues - TTSL interim president.

Jameson Rigues, interim president of the T&T Super League will remain in his post until the post coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, while other members and issues will be undertaken at today’s annual general meeting (AGM) which will take place virtually.

The highlight of today’s AGM was expected to be the contesting of the post of President between Rigues and former national football team captain Clayton Morris.

However, yesterday Rigues in his position of interim T&TSL president wrote to the membership the following letter.

RE: Trinidad and Tobago Super League AGM - Election of President

I write to you in my capacity as First Vice President - TTSL, now Interim President, according to the Constitution and Bye-Laws of the Trinidad and Tobago Super League (TTSL) and wish to confirm the having taken all necessary precautions well within my mandate and responsibilities to ensure the strict and proper operation of the TTSL within the Constitution and Bye-Laws, Statutes and Codes of the Trinidad and Tobago Super League with particular reference to our TTSL AGM 2020.

As you are aware, the Members of the Board of the TTSL have set November 29th 2020 as the date to host the TTSL AGM 2020 and the members of the Board have also stated that the AGM will be hosted virtually and you have been provided with the Agenda.

Having received the expressed major concern of certain members of the TTSL with respect to the fact that the ‘Election of President’ is listed on the Agenda, which is in contravention with the directions of the TTSL Constitution, Article 26.1 that states; “Elections shall be conducted by position and shall be conducted by secret ballot” and the TTSL Bye-Laws, Article 30.1, which also states; “Elections shall be conducted by position and shall be conducted by secret ballot” I dispatched two letters in this regard to seek the best manner of ensuring the strict and proper operation of the TTSL.

The first letter dated November 13th 2020, was sent to the Commissioner of Police for hosting the TTSL AGM at a venue that would provide for live assembly within the COVID-19 restrictions of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

The second letter dated November 23rd 2020, was sent to the Normalization Committee to enquire whether an “Election for President” was considered acceptable to the TTFA and by extension FIFA.

This missive was sent in keeping with the TTSL Statutes and the TTSL Electoral Code Article 27.2 which clearly states; “TTFA has the right to intervene in the electoral process of the TTSL at any time to monitor its integrity and check that this Code and the statutes and regulations of TTFA are being applied.” As well as in accordance with Article 27.3 of the Code also warns that; “TTFA may likewise suspend or invalidate the electoral process and/or appoint a provisional administration for TTSL, as the case may be.”

The TTFA’s letter of response dated November 25th 2020, from the Nominalization Committee Chairman Robert Hadad, with respect to “Hosting of Elections Virtually” has stated: “the TTFA strongly recommends that the Election of Member Associations not be conducted via virtual (online) platforms to protect the integrity of the electoral process and system. The hosting of elections requires an increased level sensitivity as mandated by the secret ballot model which may not be readily available or completely infallible via online platforms.”

In this regard and in conformity with the strong recommendations of the TTFA, as Interim President of the TTSL, I wish to confirm the TTSL AGM shall proceed as planned on Sunday 29th November 2020, however, the Agenda items will be entertained except for Election of President which shall be held post COVID-19 restrictions and in keeping with the TTSL Constitution, Bye-Laws and the TTFA statement of recognition of condition for Elections.”

I look forward to an enjoyable, productive, peaceful AGM 2020, devoid of acrimony and trust my sober directions will be respected in light of the turbulent time of Trinidad and Tobago football with the recently lifted FIFA suspension and to have the proper conduct of the business of the Trinidad and Tobago Super League, to ensure all the rights of the membership are respected and guaranteed within the TTFA Family.

Meanwhile, Rigues, who took over the helm of the organisation following the resignation of Look Loy on October 16, three days after Justice Carol Gobin ruled FIFA’s decision to appoint a normalisation committee to run T&T football as “illegal”, the former TTFA technical committee chairman Look Loy told his membership that he has run his race. Look Loy, 67, had played a pivotal role in the TTFA failed legal fight against FIFA from March 17 after FIFA removed the elected executive.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian