
Tue, Jun

TTSL Board meeting tonight to determine aborted AGM

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the T&T Super League will be held at 6 pm tonight to decide on if and when last Sunday's aborted AGM and Elections will take place.

Board member Eddison Dean said on Monday that since the membership wants the continuation of the AGM, he is sure that at least four out of the five members will vote in favour of continuing the meeting at a date and time to be decided, except the interim president Jameson Rigues, saying Rigues will be out-voted 4-1.

On Sunday Rigues called off the AGM with the election of officers set to be the next item on the agenda, citing disruption. Rigues, the interim president is being challenged by former Strike Squad defender and captain Clayton Morris for the top position that would replace then-president Keith Look Loy who resigned on October 16.

Dean told Guardian Media Sports on Monday the problem stemmed from a decision by Rigues to send out a different link for the meeting on Sunday than the one for the original meeting, thereby causing some clubs to experience difficulty in getting on.

However, Guaya United and Petit Valley Diego Martin United, two clubs that have publicly supported Rigues, contacted Guardian Media Sports to complain about the difficulty in getting in. Derek Edwards, the Petit Valley manager has since called for members of the FIFA-appointed Normalisation Committee to be observers at the meeting.

Dean, in giving his account of what had transpired on Sunday said: "First of all the board had decided to make the secretary- Peter Thomas the host of the meeting and Jameson would have been the chairperson, but he insisted he would be the host and the chair and that went on for nearly an hour until the members got fed up and said to let him co-host so the meeting could go on. While the meeting was going on members were putting their hands up to have a say and he did not acknowledge the members. The meeting was terrible."

He noted: "The Board made a decision to have the AGM on Sunday but he sent out a notice for his own AGM with a different link to the members, and when he realised the members did not come to his meeting, he came to the real AGM meeting."

Dean lashed out at Rigues for aborting the meeting on his own, without consulting with the members, a move he described as illegal. Rigues too in a release on Sunday described the meeting as disruptive, which was why he signed out.

At the AGM Rigues had hoped to discuss the issue of suspended clubs being re-instated on the day, as well as being allowed to vote at the election. However, while the election was on the agenda it was carded to take place after the election of officers, thereby preventing the clubs from voting.

Dean later dismissed a notion that election could not take place via the virtual settings, saying Rigues has been misleading the public where that is concerned. He said you can amend the constitution on the day of the AGM which could have allowed the voting virtually. This appeared to have been attempted Dean said, like his club, Club Sando submitted a letter for the amendment to take place. It was seconded by Bethel.

Dean said they have also positively tested a way in which virtual election could take place via zoom, and it should take place.